





Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.2.1 Theoretical significance1.2.2 Methodological significance1.2.3 Pedagogical significance1.3 Organization of the BookChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Background2.1.1 Vocabulary knowledge theories2.1.2 Working memory theories2.1.3 Reading comprehension theories2.2 Empirical Studies2.2.1 Vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension2.2.2 Working memory in reading comprehension2.2.3 Relationship between vocabulary knowledge and working memory2.2.4 Vocabulary knowledge and working memory in reading comprehension/542.3 Summary of Theoretical Background and Empirical Studies2.3.1 Summary of theoretical background2.3.2 Summary of empirical studies2.4 Unsettled Issues and Research Questions2.4.1 Gaps in the literature2.4.2 Reswarch questions of the present study Chupter Thee Rescarch McthatoloyChapter Three3.1 Participants3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Vocalbulary knowledsge tests3.2.2 Working memory capacity test3.2.3 Reading comprehension test3.3 Data Collection Procedures3.4 Data Analysis Procedures3.4.1 Anmlysis of vocabulary knowledge and L2 reading comprehension3.4.2 Analysis of working memory and L2 reading comprehension3.4.3 Analysis of vocabulary knowledge,working memory and L2 reading comprehension3.5 SummaryChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Relationship between Vocabulary Knowledge and L2 Reading Comprehension4.1.1 Correlation between vocabulary knowledge and L2 reading comprehension4.1.2 Vocabulary knowledge as direct predictors4.1.3 Vocabulary knowledge as indirect predictors4.2 Relationship between Working Memory and L2 Reading Comprehension4.2.1 Correlation between working memory and L2 reading comprehension4.2.2 Relationship between the processing and storage components of working memory4.2.3 Correlation between the processing and storage components of working memory and L2 reading comprehension4.3 Interaction between Vocabulary Knowledge and Working Memory on L2 Reading Comprehension/1274.3.1 Comelation between vocabulary lnowledge and worlking menmory4.3.2 Vocalblary mediating efiects on the reationship between woris memory and L.2 reading comprehension4.4 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion of the Study5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.2 Implications of the Findings5.2.1 Theoretical implications5.2.2 Methodological implications5.2.3 Pedagogical implications5.3 Limitations of the Study5.3.1 Population representation5.3.2 Test reliability5.3.3 Single measure of working memory capacity5.4 Recommendation for Future Research5.4.1 Dynamic contributions of vocabulary breadth and vocabulary depth to L2 reading comprehension5.4.2 Contributions of morphological knowledge to L2 reading comprehension5.4.3 Inclusion of other linguistic and cognitive factors /1565.5 SummaryAppendixes1.Vocabulary Breadth Test2.Semantic Depth Test3.Morphological Depth Test4.Vocabulary Fluency Test Sample(Block 1)5.Reading Comprehension Test6.Working Memory Capacity TestReferencesIndex










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