

《中国外交2010年(英文版)》内容简介:China’s Foreign Affairsis compiled by the Depart-ment of Policy Planning ofthe Foreign Ministry witha purpose to make clearthe Chinese Government’sforeign policy and itsviews on the internationalsituation, so as to helpChinese and lbreign readersunderstand China’s foreignaffairs.




EU’s enlargement was pressed ahead steadily。Iceland,Albania andSerbia applied to join the EU。The EU had talks with Croatia and Turkcvrespectively on their admission,postponed negotiation with Macedonia,and removed entry visa restrictions for citizens from Albania,Bosnia andHerzegovina,Macedonia.Serbia and Montenergo,EU.US and EU.Russia Relations EU’s relations with the U.S。improved on the whole The two sidesplayed down differences,enhanced cooperation and enoyed frequentexchanges.President Obama went to Europe in April for the G20 LondonSummit and the NATO summit marking its 60th anniversary.and attendedthe EU。USA Summit in Prague.He visited Germany and France in June,and at~nded the D.Day 65 th Anniversary Ceremony. The EU and theU.S。stepped up coordination on tackling the international financial crisis.Af8hanistan and the Iranian nuclear issue,but still had differences onissues]ike reform of the jnternational financial system and climate change.There were signs of improvement in EU.Russia relations. PresidentBarroso of the European Commission led nine Commissioners to Russia for astrategic dialogue in February and the two sides agreed to sign a newPartnership and Cooperation Agreement at an earlY date.EU,Russia Summitswere held in Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East iu May and in Stockholm inNovember respectively。 The EU and Russia scored some achievements onclimate change and in bilateral cooperation,but remained divergent on issueslike the European security mechanism and energy security.







Chapter 1 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN 20091. An Overview 12. Regional Developments 53. Special Events 24Chapter 2 CHINA’S DIPLOMACY IN 20091. An Overview 362. China’s External Relations 413. Special Events 58Chapter 3 CHINA’S RELATIONS WITH COUNTRIES HAVING DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH CHINAAfghanistan 94Albania 95Algeria 96Andorra 98Angola 98Antigua and Barbuda 99Argentina 100Armenia 101Australia 102Austria 105Azerbaijan 107Bahamas 108Bahrain 108Bangladesh 109Barbados 111Belarus 111Belgium 113Benin 114Bolivia 115Bosnia and Herzegovina 116Botswana 117Brazil 118Brunei Darussalam 119Bulgaria 120Burundi 122Cambodia 122Cameroon 123Canada 124Cape Verde 127Central African Republic 128Chad 129Chile 130Colombia 131Comoros 133Congo 133Cook Islands 135Costa Rica 135C6te d’Ivoire 136Croatia 137Cuba 139Cyprus 140Czech Republic 142Denmark 143Djibouti 145Dominica 146DPRK 147The Democratic Republic of the Congo 149Ecuador 150Egypt 151Equatorial Guinea 153Eritrea 154Estonia 155Ethiopia 156Fiji 157Finland 158France 160Gabon 164Georgia 165Germany 166Ghana 169Greece 170Grenada 171Guinea 172Guinea-Bissau 173Guyana 174Hungary 175Iceland 178India 179Indonesia 181Iran 182Iraq 184Ireland 185Israel 186Italy 187Jamaica 189Japan 190Jordan 192Kazakhstan 194Kenya 195Kuwait 197Kyrgyzstan 198Laos 199Latvia 200Lebanon 201Lesotbo 202Liberia 203Libya 204Liechtenstein 205Lithuania 205Luxembourg 206Macedonia 207Madagascar 208Malawi 209Malaysia 210Maldives 211Mali 212Malta 214Mauritania 215Mauritius 216Mexico 217Micronesia, F.S. 219Moldova 220Monaco 221Mongolia 221Montenegro 223Morocco 224Mozambique 225Myanmar 226Namibia 227Nepal 228The Netherlands 230New Zealand 232Niger 234Nigeria 235Niue 236Norway 236Oman 238……Chapter 4 CHINA’S RELATIONS WITH INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONSChapter 5 WORK ON ARMS CONTROL,DISARMAMENT,AND NON-PROLFERATION IN CHINA’S DIRLOMACYChapter 6 TREATIES AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF CHINA’S DIPLOMACYChapter 7 BOUNDARTY AND OCEAN AFFAIRS IN CHINA’S DIPLOMACYChapter 8 THE PRESS AND INFORMATION WORK IN CHINA’S DIPLOMACYChapter 9 CONSULAR WORKCHRONICLE OF CHINA’S MAJOR DIPLOMATIC ACTIVITIES IN 2009










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