





















**卷 感悟人生 the patch of life/人生的补丁 the rainy season of your life/人生的雨季 life is a process of making honey/人生是酿蜜 life is a handful of candy/人生是一把糖果 the tent of life/人生的帐篷 life lies in persistence/人生在于坚持 the three boxes of life/人生的三只箱子 the philosophy of a mirror/一面镜子的人生哲理 the law of life grandma taught me/奶奶教给我的人生准则 the best time of my life/我一生中*好的时光 a miracle changes life/奇迹改变人生 the inquiry of life/问人生 first change yourself/改变人生从自己做起 the dignity of life/人生的尊严 life has the time to bloom/人生都有开花的时间 the ebb and flow of life/人生的涨落 the journey of life starts from the set goal/人生之旅从选定目标开始 life also has the crossroad/人生也有歧路 the clock of life/生命的时钟 a promise of flowers/鲜花的承诺 life is the cookie/生命就是小甜饼 the best nourishment of life/生命中*好的养料 the worth of life/生命的价值 the coordinates of life/人生的坐标 the lubricating oil of life/人生的润滑油 the height of life/人生的顶点 life is an opportunity/人生是一次机遇 the orientation of life/人生的定位 the draft of life/人生的草稿 the life in a child’s eyes/孩子眼里的人生 look at the life from a different angle/换个角度看人生 the art of how to hold life/把握人生的艺术 follow the rainbow of life/追寻人生的彩虹 life is only a test/人生只是一场考试 lower your height/降低人生高度 the addition。subtraction,multiplication and division of life/人生的加减乘除 the jigsaw puzzle of life/人生的拼图 position your life/定位你的人生 the punctuation of life/人生的标点 life is a symphony/人生是一曲交响乐 the splashes of life/人生的波纹 life is like a bird/人生如飞鸟 god’s boxes/上帝的盒子 what will matter in life/人生重要的是什么 a creed to live by/人生的信条 the perfect life/完美人生 life lies in believing in yourself/人生在于相信自己第二卷 感悟幸福 the direction of happiness/幸福的方向 the uncared-for happiness/被忽略的快乐 the catalogue of happiness/人生幸福的目录 happiness is a choice/幸福是一种选择-‘ don’t keep happiness away from us/别让幸福远离我们 the secret of happiness/幸福的秘密 the ways of happiness/幸福的方式 happiness doesn’t need a list/幸福不需要列单子 the boy who cupped the sunshine in his hands/手捧阳光的男孩 where the sun always rises/太阳总在那里升起 keep walking in sunshine/常常走在阳光里 the sunshine within/胸藏阳光 the sunshine in the dew/露水里的阳光 the sunshine over their heads/阳光就在自己头顶 the love of a hunchback/驼背的爱情 where is happiness?/幸福在哪里? i choose to be cheerful/我选择快乐 the mystery of happiness/幸福的奥秘 make way for the others’happiness/给别人的幸福让道 the power of a smile/微笑的力量 what does happiness come from?/幸福来自什么? happiness is a flow of air/快乐是一种流动的空气 the source of happiness/幸福之源 happiness is a feeling/幸福是一种感觉 bring happiness home/带快乐回家 happiness is a bowl of water/幸福是一碗水 the light of a smile/微笑的光芒 the essence of happiness/幸福的本质 happiness is like the sunshine/幸福像阳光一样 happiness is the scent of soul/幸福是灵魂的香味 world of smiles/微笑的世界 the value of smile/微笑的价值 the wooden gate of happiness/幸福的柴门 the law of happy life/幸福生活的定律 the door to happiness/幸福之门 happiness lights your life/幸福点亮人生 you have only one life/你只有一次生命 get a thorough understanding of yourself/彻悟自己第三卷 感悟自然 feathers in the wind/风中的羽毛 the river and the rock/河与岩石 when the wind blows/当风起时 talking with a flower/与花儿私语 the catch of lifetime/一生的收获 a young apple tree/一棵小苹果树 the power of a bee/一只蜜蜂的威力 the apple bitten by god/上帝咬过的苹果 the pointless competition/无谓的竞争 survive as camels/像骆驼那样生存 the tree of life also has fallen leaves/生命之树也有落叶 the addition and subtraction of life/生命的加减法 the moral of life/生命的寓意 a maple/一棵枫树 the roses and thorns/玫瑰与荆棘 when the moon follows me/月随人走 a big tree and a young tree/大树和小树 the october sunrise/十月日出 a narrow window/一扇小窗 first snow/**场雪 the revelation of lilacs/紫丁香的启示 brave the storm/迎向风雨 mahogany/桃花心木 beyond the beautiful/美丽背后 the boys and the sticks/男孩与木棍 movement and quietude/动与静 load and you won’t fall/负重,才不会跌倒 thank each bloom of flowers/感谢每一次花开 the sound a flower blooms/花开的声音 a fine prospect/一卷美景 the flower-school/鲜花学校 the everlasting flowers/持久的花朵 a flower expressing its potential/展现自己潜能的花儿 observe the sky with salt/以盐窥天 the sound of waterfalls/瀑布的声音 stand in the proper position/站到适合你的位置上 the spring will come/春天一定会来 the mountain spring and the gold sand/山泉与金砂 success and a twig/成功与一截树枝 the golden window/金色窗户 two acorns/两个橡果 the sttength of success/成功的力量第四卷 感悟生活 the only attitude is gratitude/感激是唯一的态度 look downward and look upward/向下看与向上看 the blind boy/盲人指路 the secret behind a painting/一幅画背后的秘密 please help tie it/请帮忙系上 don’t think highly of yourself/别太把自己当回事 the mahogany piano/一架桃花心木钢琴 the boy and the nail/男孩和钉子 the next step to life/人生的第二步 good medicine/灵丹妙药 a lesson for living/人生的教训 don’t quit/不要停 a wonderful present/神奇的礼物 the tiger’s whisker of life/人生的虎须 ……第五卷 感悟成功第六卷 感悟母爱第七卷 感悟父爱第八卷 感悟真爱第九卷 感悟亲情第十卷 阳光心态










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