Jin Xingan and the first farmers book house



本书讲述了农家书屋及其创办人金兴安的故事。金兴安十岁时父母双亡,由政府和乡亲养育长大,并成为一名有影响的作家。为了回馈社会,他捐出全部藏书及稿费,在缺书少文化的家乡建起了作家书屋。蒋集镇农家(作家) 书屋成为当地一座移不走的知识银行和*美的“人间天堂”。十几年来,一批批农家学子从书屋走进了北大、清华等高校,许多农民学到了发家致富的本领。
At the age of 10, Jin Xing’an lost his parents. Through unremitting efforts, Jin has many achievements to his credit and is an influential writer. His own experience laid the foundation for his compassion. To repay society, Jin enthusiastically donated all the books he collected and his savings, and through hard work, set up the Farmers’ Book House in his hometown where books are rare. Jiangji Farmers’ Book House has become an invaluable knowledge bank and a veritable “paradise on Earth” in the area, marking a milestone in the rural construction of the new era.




本书为“新时代的中国人”系列丛书之一,讲述了农家书屋及其创办人金兴安的故事。主人公金兴安是中央宣传部表彰的“时代楷模”人物。他十岁时父母双亡,成长历尽艰辛。在政府和社会关爱下,在乡亲们养育中,他逐渐长大懂事,勤勉刻苦,不懈努力,学有所成并经过成为一名有影响的作家。特别的人生经历,给了他特别的人生情怀。为了回馈社会,他捐出全部藏书及稿费,并以极大的热诚和艰难的努力,在缺书少文化的家乡建起了作家书屋。蒋集镇农家(作家) 书屋成为当地一座移不走的知识银行和*美的“人间天堂”。十几年来,一批批农家学子从书屋走进了北大、清华等高校,许多农民学到了发家致富的本领。本书以一个特别视角塑造了一位追逐梦想、实现梦想,成长励志“新时代的中国人”形象,反映了农家书屋工程在服务农民、服务乡村振兴战略,建设社会主义新农村过程中取得的崭新成就,展示了新时代魅力乡村建设的缩影。
During the 15 years since its establishment, Jin
made great efforts everywhere to “beg for alms” for the
development of the book house. With great support from his
former employer, Anhui Publishing Group, and other press
and publication departments, and the warm help from all
walks of life, the collection of books at Jiangji Farmers’ Book
House soared from about 3,000 in the early stages to more
than 60,000 books by the end of 2017. It has a collection
room and a reading room covering 600 square meters,
which is well above the requirements and standards set by
the government for farmers’ reading rooms.




Li Chaoquan is a member of the Reportage Committee of the Chinese Writers Association and vice-chairman of the China Reportage Society. He has published documentary literature works including The Best Era, Jin Xing’an and the First Farmers’ Book House, Dream Lights up Life and Century Friendship – Ba Jin and Bing Xin. He is the winner of the Zhuang Chongwen Literature Award and the China Population Culture Award.



Chapter One Jin Xing’an, “A Good Man” Written instructions from two vice premiers Jin Xing’an, the “Good Person in China” Spirit homeland in a remote rural areaA Peking University student from a poor village“If there is a paradise, it must be similar to the Book House.”“It seemed that the whole world emerged in front of me.” “The eagerness and expressions in the farmers’ eyes for knowledge have deeply moved me.” Being grateful Chapter Two An Orphan Eventually Becomes a WriterLost his parents at the age of 10, supported by the government Relations between teacher and student for 50 years of ContentsBeing a useful person through self-studyHis wife Looking for a book to read desperately Realizing what he wrote is children’s literature later The fi rst news report that brought overnight successFrom Dingyuan to Hefei Manuscript based on three months’ interview gets lost Chapter Three Building a Book House for Countrymen As long as you have the money to buy rice, there areno worries “How should I repay you, my townspeople?”It is the fi rst step that is diffi cult The county secretary of the Party Committee worked on site The Book House opened Building the Book House with money set aside for the wedding of his son Chapter Four The Great Relay of Benevolent Help Setting up a plate with inscriptions from leading academicsTimely assistance Part-time clerk who is not paid a single penny “It is really good to come back to take a look!” The gratitude can be passed on“What I aim at is Jin’s spirit!”“It doesn’t matter that there is no heating in winter!” Chapter Five The Book Nourishes Ordinary People Farmers’ cultural paradiseNew changes in Jiangji TownAnhui Province strides forwardFarmers’ Book House will have a brighter future Chapter Six There Is No End to GratitudeParticipating in moral education Looking for the “benefactor” The loving kindness of a cup of water Postscript ——187


Jin Xingan and the first farmers book house

书名:Jin Xingan and the first farmers book house

作者:Li Chaoquan[著]






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