


The book gives a full account of how China fights poverty. It discusses achievements and problems, as well as positive experience and misunderstandings. Upon summarizing the issues discovered during this campaign and analyzing their underlying reasons, it lays out the “five experiences” and “four misunderstandings”, with a view to addressing the root causes. It’s a useful reference for countries and regions committed to ending poverty.
—Zhang Shujun, Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former Deputy Director General and researcher of Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee

As a student and researcher of Marxism, I hope the book will reach a wider audience so that readers can be informed of Chinese stores, practices and wisdom in poverty alleviation – latest accomplishments in adapting Marxist anti-poverty theory to the Chinese context. More importantly, I hope that countries and regions committed to eradicating poverty could benefit from it.
—Liu Haitao, Dean and Professor of the Department of Scientific Socialism, Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance)

Since reform and opening up to the outside world, China made achievements in poverty reduction unparalleled in scale in human history, which is widely recognized by the international community. Large-scale poverty reduction in China is closely linked to the governing philosophy, development objectives and action plans of the Communist Party of China. Focusing on practices in targeted poverty alleviation since the 18th CPC National Congress, this book paints a full picture of how the CPC and the Chinese government lead the people to end extreme poverty by ensuring the impoverished population’s access to food, clothing, housing, compulsory education and basic medical services. It’s a great read for those interested in China’s journey and experience in reducing poverty.
—Wang Sangui, adviser to the State Council Leading Group on Poverty Alleviation and Development, and Director of Institute of Chinese Poverty Alleviation, Renmin University of China

The theory and practices of poverty alleviation elaborated in the book point to China’s inevitable path in ending poverty: clear-cut objectives, well-conceived strategies, strong determination, targeted policies, relying on domestic capabilities and continued efforts.
—Yan Shuhan, Lead Researcher of the Marxism Studies and Development Project, and Deputy Director of Center for World Socialism Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences







China Makes Active Contribution to World Poverty Reduction
(Preface One) 1
Chinese Wisdom for Ending Poverty
(Preface Two) 5
China Has Successfully Embarked on a Distinctive Path
of Development-Oriented Poverty Alleviation
It Is the Unremitting Pursuit of the CPC to Lead the People out
of Poverty and Achieve Prosperity 3
Decisive Progress Has Been Made in Battles Against Poverty
Alleviation Since the 18th CPC National Congress 6
It Is of Great Significance to Fight Poverty with Targeted Poverty
Alleviation Measures 10
Chapter I
Characteristics of Poverty Alleviation in China for the New EraGuidelines for Poverty Alleviation 17
The Evolution of Major Contradictions in the Society and theFight against Poverty 22Build a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects andPoverty Alleviation 25New Development Concepts and Poverty Alleviation 31
Basic Blueprint for Poverty Alleviation 38Chapter II
Main Paths for Poverty Alleviation in ChinaStrengthening Infrastructure Development of Poverty-StrickenAreas 47Strengthening Environmental Protection in Poverty-StrickenAreas 54Promoting the Development of Feature Industries in Poverty-Stricken Areas 68Prioritizing Support to the Development of Special Poor Areas 81
Improving Poor People’s Sense of Gains 88Chapter III
Precision Holding the Key of Poverty AlleviationSolving the Problem of “Who Are the Targets of PovertyAlleviation” 105Answering the Question of “Who Are in Charge of PovertyAlleviation” 108How to Alleviate Poverty 118
How to Make Sure the Poor People Are Truly out of Poverty 126Chapter IV
Five Experiences in China’s Poverty AlleviationStrengthening Leadership Is Fundamental 133
Grasping Precision Is Essence 138
Increasing Investment Is Guarantee 147
Participation of All Parties Is Synergy 153
Mass Participation Is the Foundation 159Chapter V
China’s Poverty Eradication Campaign Aims to Avoid a
Number of ProblemsPrevention of Falling Back into Poverty 171
Prevention of Formalism and Bureaucracy in Poverty Alleviation 179
Overcoming the Problem of Poverty Alleviation withoutFostering Aspirations 185The Significance of Party Branch Building 190Chapter VI
Significance and Insights of China’s Poverty AlleviationImportant Significance of China’s Poverty Alleviation 197
Insights of China’s Experience in Poverty Reduction to theWorld 204International Cooperation on Addressing PovertyReduction 215
Typical Cases of Poverty Alleviation in China
Case 1 Staying True to the Mission and Taking the Lead in
Poverty Alleviation:
Poverty Alleviation in Lankao County, Henan Province 227
Case 2 Actively Innovating Poverty Alleviation Model:
“A Slow Sparrow Making an Early Start” for Chixi Village,
Ningde City, Fujian Province 232
Case 3 Improvement of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Mechanism:
“First Livelihood Project” of Guizhou Province 237
Case 4 Exploration of New Ideas for Poverty Alleviation:
“E-Commerce Poverty Alleviation” in Qishui Township,
Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province 241
Case 5 Poverty Alleviation and Development through
Combination of Agriculture and Tourism:
“Green Rise” of Maochangwu Village, Yao Autonomous County,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 245
Case 6 Technology Empowering Poverty Alleviation:
“Technology Advancing into the Dabie Mountains” in Yingshan
County, Hubei Province 249
Case 7 Counterpart Support in poverty alleviation between Rich
and Poor Areas:
“Poverty Alleviation through East-West Cooperation” between
Shanghai and Yunnan 252
Case 8 Synchronous Relocation and Poverty Alleviation:
“Moving into a New World” in Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province 256
Case 9 Dedication to Practical Poverty Alleviation:
The Path to Poverty Alleviation and Innovation in the Ethnic
Minority Communities in Leshan City, Sichuan Province 261
Appendix: Reference Table of US Dollar Exchange Rate
against RMB (1949-2019) 269
Epilogue 271










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