





Module One Departing from China 中国出境Lesson l Inquiring at Airport Terminal 航站楼问讯Dialogue 1 At check—in counter在值机柜台Dialogue 2 At boarding gate 在登机门Lesson 2 Check.in 值机Dialogue 1 Routine check.in 常规值机Dialogue 2 Group check—in 团体值机Dialogue 3 DIY check—in 自助值机Lesson 3 Handling Contingencies 处理意外事件Dialogue 1 Luggage overweight 行李超重Dialogue 2 Delayed flight 航班延误Dialogue 3 Latecomer guest 迟到客人Module Two En route by Air 飞行途中Lesson 1 Getting Aboard 登机Dialogue 1 While the group taking seats 团队登机就座时Dialogue 2 In—flight Wi—Fi service 机上无线上网服务Dialogue 3 Using mobile device on board 机上使用移动设备Lesson 2 F&B Service on Board 机上餐饮服务Dialogue 1 Mealtime service 正餐服务Dialogue 2 During light refreshment提供便餐时Lesson 3 Miscellaneous in.flight Services 各类机上服务Dialogue 1 Helping the guest in need 帮助有需要的客人Dialogue 2 DFS on board 机上免税店Module Three Entry to Destination Country 目的地国家入境Lesson 1 Immigration Formalities 入境手续Dialogue 1 ADS visa is processed 旅游团签过关Dialogue 2 Clearance for business delegation 商务团通关Lesson 2 Luggage Claiming 提取行李Dialogue l At luggage claim 在行李提取处Dialogue 2 Handling luggage contingency 处理行李意外Lesson 3 Customs Clearance 海关放行Dialogue 1 Going through red channel 物品申报Dialogue 2 Dutiable and confiscated goods课税和罚没Module Four At Hotel 在酒店Lesson 1 Check.in 人住Dialogue 1 Normal check—in 常规人住Dialogue 2 Check—in problems 人住问题Dialogue 3 Morning call&breakfast 叫早与早餐Lesson 2 In.house Services 店内服务Dialogue 1 Extra bed or room 加床或加房Dialogue 2 Laundry service 洗衣服务Dialogue 3 F&B service 餐饮服务Dialogue4 Wi—Fi service 无线上网服务Lesson 3 Checkout 退房Dialogue 1 Before check—out 退房前Dialogue 2 At check—out 退房时Module Five Catering Service 餐饮服务Lesson 1 Group Meals at Restaurant 团队餐馆用餐Dialogue 1 Confirming reservation with restaurant 与餐馆确认订餐Dialogue 2 Mealtime help needed 用餐时需要帮助Dialogue 3 When the group arrives late 团队用餐晚到Lesson 2 Helping Guests Dine on Free Days 自由活动日帮助客人Dialogue 1 Ifguests want to dine out 如客人要外出用餐Dialogue 2 If guests go for bar or pub 如客人要去酒吧Lesson 3 Booking Group Meal or Cancelling Reserved Meal 团队订餐或退餐Dialogue 1 Booking group meal 订团队餐Dialogue 2 Canceling reserved meal 退团队餐Module Six Sightseeing 游览Lesson 1 Communicating with Coach Driver 与大巴司机沟通Dialogue 1 On next day’S schedule 关于第二天行程Dialogue 2 EU drivers.hour rule 欧盟驾驶时间规定Lesson 2 En Route to Tourist Attraction 赴景点途中Dialogue 1 Getting stuck in traffic jam 交通堵塞Dialogue 2 Purchasing admission tickets 购买门票Dialogue 3 No berth at parking lot 停车场无车位Lesson 3 Handling Contingencies 处理意外事件Dialogue 1 Ifa guest goes astray 如客人走散Dialogue 2 If a guest gets passport lost 如客人遗失护照Module Seven Shopping 购物Lesson 1 Shopping at Mall 商场购物Dialogue 1 Department store shopping 百货商店购物Dialogue 2 UnionPay card 银联卡Lesson 2 DFS&Tax Refllnd 免税店与购物退税Dialogue 1 Purchasing at DFS 免税店购物Dialogue 2 Inquiring about tax refund 了解购物退税Module Eight Exit from Destination Country 目的地国家离境Lesson 1 Tax Refund Procedures 退税手续Dialogue 1 Customs stamping 海关审核Dialogue 2 Tax refunding 退税兑现Lesson 2 Online&了ransfer Check.in 网上与转机值机Dialogue 1 Online check。in 网上值机Dialogue 2 Transfer check.in 转机值机Glossary 术语表Appendix 附录1.A List of Countries’Emergency Police Call各国报警电话一览2.A Table of World Currencies世界各国货币Bibliography 参考文献










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