









PrefaceNotation1 Introduction1.1 Vector (linear) spaces1.2 The scalar product1.3 Complex numbers1.4 Quaternions1.5 The cross product1.6 The outer product1.7 Notes1.8 Exercises2 Geometric algebra in two and three dimensions2.1 A new product for vectors2.2 An outline of geometric algebra2.3 Geometric algebra of the plane2.4 The geometric algebra of space2.5 Conventions2.6 Reflections2.7 Rotations2.8 Notes2.9 Exercises3 Classical mechanics3.1 Elementary principles3.2 Two—body central force interactions3.3 Celestial mechanics and perturbations3.4 Rotating systems and rigid—body motion3.5 Notes3.6 Exercises4 Foundations of geometric algebra4.1 Axiomatic development4.2 Rotations and refiections4.3 Bases, frames and components4.4 Linear algebra4.5 Tensors and components4.6 Notes4.7 Exercises5 Relativity and spacetime5.1 An algebra for spacetime5.2 Observers, trajectories and frames5.3 Lorentz transformations5.4 The Lorentz group5.5 Spacetime dynamics5.6 Notes5.7 Exercises6 Geometric calculus6.1 The vector derivative6.2 Curvilinear coordinates6.3 Analytic functions6.4 Directed integration theory6.5 Embedded surfaces and vector manifolds6.6 Elasticity6.7 Notes6.8 Exercises7 Classical electrodynamics7.1 Maxwell’s equations7.2 Integral and conservation theorems7.3 The electromagnetic field of a point charge7.4 Electromagnetic waves7.5 Scattering and diffraction7.6 Scattering7.7 Notes7.8 Exercises8 Quantum theory and spinors8.1 Non—relativistic quantum spin8.2 Relativistic quantum states8.3 The Dirac equation8.4 Central potentials8.5 Scattering theory8.6 Notes8.7 Exercises9 Multiparticle states and quantum entanglement9.1 Many—body quantum theory9.2 Multiparticle spacetime algebra9.3 Systems of two particles9.4 Relativistic states and operators9.5 Two—spinor calculus9.6 Notes9.7 Exercises10 Geometry10.1 Projective geometry10.2 Conformal geometry10.3 Conformal transformations10.4 Geometric primitives in conformal space10.5 Intersection and reflection in conformal space10.6 Non—Euclidean geometry10.7 Spacetime conformal geometry10.8 Notes10.9 Exercises11 Further topics in calculus and group theory11.1 Multivector calculus11.2 Grassmann calculus11.3 Lie groups11.4 Complex structures and unitary groups11.5 The generallinear group11.6 Notes11.7 Exercises12 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian techniques12.1 The Euler—Lagrange equations12.2 Classical models for spin—1/2 particles12.3 Hamiltonian techniques12.4 Lagrangian field theory12.5 Notes12.6 Exercises13 Symmetry and gauge theory13.1 Conservation laws in field theory13.2 Electromagnetism13.3 Dirac theory13.4 Gauge principles for gravitation13.5 The gravitational field equations13.6 The structure of the Riemann tensor13.7 Notes13.8 Exercises14 Gravitation14.1 Solving the field equations14.2 Spherically—symmetric systems14.3 Schwarzschild black holes14.4 Quantum mechanics in a black hole background14.5 Cosmology14.6 Cylindrical systems14.7 Axially—symmetric systems14.8 Notes14.9 ExercisesBibliographyIndex










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