





Chapter 1Fundamental Geology Section 1��1Early Earth 1��1��1Introduction 1��1��2The Origin of the Earth 1��1��3The Early Atmosphere 1��1��4The Early Rocks 1��1��5The Early Life Section 1��2Rocks and Minerals 1��2��1Introduction 1��2��2The Materials of the Earth 1��2��3Rocks are Made of Minerals 1��2��4Granitic Rocks Section 1��3Facies Models 1��3��1General Principles 1��3��2Paleocurrents 1��3��3Paleohydraulics 1��3��4Environments Chapter 2Petroleum Geology Section 2��1The Fluid of Reservoir 2��1��1Introduction 2��1��2Natural Gas 2��1��3Oil 2��1��4Oil�瞗ield Water 2��1��5Distribution of Gas,Oil,and Water in the Reservoir Section 2��2Migration and Accumulation of Oil and Gas 2��2��1Introduction 2��2��2Migration of Oil and Gas 2��2��3Primary Migration 2��2��4Secondary Migration and Accumulation 2��2��5The Sites of Oil and Gas Accumulating Section 2��3The Trap 2��3��1Introduction 2��3��2Traps 2��3��3Facies Change Traps 2��3��4Unconformity and Hydrodynamic Traps Chapter 3Seismic Exploration Section 3��1Seismic Wave Dynamics 3��1��1Introduction 3��1��2Seismic wave characteristics 3��1��3Seismic wave propagation laws 3��1��4Seismic wave types Section 3��2Seismic Velocities 3��2��1Introduction 3��2��2Factors affecting velocity 3��2��3Several velocities concepts Section 3��3Seismic Works 3��3��1Introduction 3��3��2Seismic Data Acquisition 3��3��3Seismic Data Processing 3��3��4Seismic Data Interpretation Chapter 4Petrophysics Section 4��1Physical Properties of Reservoir Rocks 4��1��1Introduction 4��1��2Mineral Constitution of Sandstone Rock 4��1��3Pore Structure and Porosity of Reservoir Rock 4��1��4Permeability of Reservoir Rock Section 4��2Physical Properties of Reservoir Fluids 4��2��1Introduction 4��2��2High Pressure Physical Property of Natural Gas 4��2��3High Pressure Physical Property of Crude Oil 4��2��4Aqueous Fluids Section 4��3Percolation Mechanism of Multiphase Fluid 4��3��1Introduction 4��3��2Capillary Pressure 4��3��3Wettability 4��3��4Hysteresis Chapter 5Fluid Mechanics Section 5��1Fluid Properties and Pascal’s Law 5��1��1Fluid Properties 5��1��2Pascal’s Law Section 5��2Flow Properties of Fluids 5��2��1The fluid state 5��2��2The continuum model of fluids 5��2��3Variables of state Section 5��3Unidirectional and One�睤imensional Flow 5��3��1Introduction 5��3��2Nonlinear equations 5��3��3Approximate solution 5��3��4Exact solutions of the nonlinear Navier�睸tokes equations Section 5��4Bubble Dynamics 5��4��1Introduction 5��4��2Fundamental models for cavitation 5��4��3Rayleigh�睵lesset equation Chapter 6Drilling Section 6��1Rotary Drilling 6��1��1Introduction 6��1��2Drilling Team 6��1��3Drilling Rigs Section 6��2Rotary Drilling Bits 6��2��1Introduction 6��2��2Drag Bits 6��2��3Rolling Cutter Bits Section 6��3Casing 6��3��1Introduction 6��3��2Manufacture of Casing 6��3��3Standardization of Casing Chapter 7Well Logging Section 7��1Electrical Well Logs 7��1��1Introduction 7��1��2Spontaneous potential (SP) Logging 7��1��3Conventional Resistivity Logs 7��1��4The laterologs(LL) 7��1��5The Microlog (ML) Section 7��2The Sonic Logs 7��2��1Introduction 7��2��2Acoustic waves 7��2��3Measurement of the Speed of Sound (Sonic Log) 7��2��4Measurement of Sonic Attenuation and Amplitude Section 7��3Radioactivity Logging 7��3��1Introduction 7��3��2Gamma ray log 7��3��3The Density log Chapter 8Petroleum Production Engineering Section 8��1Flow Principle 8��1��1Introduction 8��1��2The Inflow Performance of The Oil Well 8��1��3The Single�瞤hase Flow Performance 8��1��4The Two�瞤hase Inflow Performance Section 8��2Oil Production Methods 8��2��1Introduction 8��2��2Natural Flow 8��2��3Gas Lift 8��2��4Rod Pump 8��2��5Rodless Lift 8��2��6Gas pump Section 8��3Stimulation 8��3��1Introduction 8��3��2Acidizing 8��3��3Hydraulic Fracturing Chapter 9Oilfield Chemistry Section 9��1Drilling Fluid Chemistry 9��1��1Introduction 9��1��2Function and Properties 9��1��3Drilling Fluid System 9��1��4Drilling Fluid Additives Section 9��2Cement Slurry Chemistry 9��2��1Introduction 9��2��2Function and Properties 9��2��3Cement Slurry System 9��2��4Cement Slurry Additives Section 9��3Oil Displacement Mode 9��3��1Introduction 9��3��2Oil Displacement Mode System Section 9��4Oil and Water Well Chemistry 9��4��1Introduction 9��4��2Oil and Water Well Chemistry System Chapter 10Refinery Chemical Section 10��1Crude Oil 10��1��1Introduction 10��1��2Crude Oil Components 10��1��3From Crude Oil Section 10��2The Refining Process 10��2��1Introduction 10��2��2Fractional Distillation 10��2��3Chemical Processing Section 10��3Treating and Blending the Fractions Answers References










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