









一、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医内科与临床诊疗学分会论文全文 betulinic acid prevents alcohol—induced liver damage by improving the antioxidant system in mice diagnosis and treatment of periparturient metabolic diseases in dairy cow diagnosis and treatment of post parturient uterine diseases in dairy cow effects of antibacterial peptide on antioxidant function of tissues in weaned piglets effects of antibacterial peptide on cellular immunity in weaned piglets effects of antibacterial peptide on humoral immunity in weaned piglets effect of cadmium on the concentration of ceruloplasmin and its mrna expression in goats under molybdenum stress effects of dietary antibacterial peptide supplementation on contents of serum il—2,il—4,il—6,ifn—γ,and tnf—α in weaned piglets effect of molybdenum fed along with cadmium on spleen—related gene expression in goat hepatoprotective effects of tocotrienols on lipid peroxidation,antioxidant scavenging enzymes,and ppar expression in the liver of high—fat diet—fed mice induction and mechanism of hela cell apoptosis by 9—oxo 10,11—dehydroageraphorone from eupatorium adenophorum rna sequencing characterization of chicken cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide reflections on clinical practice:an oral history by a chinese veterinarian 走近中国兽医界先驱——王洪章——回顾中国兽医临床实践 tff3抗内毒素致新生仔猪肠黏膜上皮细胞损伤研究 th17细胞的分化、调节及功能研究进展 丹参酮ⅱa对lps诱导的牛肾细胞β—防御素、tlr4、tnf—α基因表达的影响 代谢组学中核磁共振技术的数据分析方法总结 复合抗菌肽“态康利保”对断奶仔猪红细胞免疫功能的影响研究 复合营养舔砖对奶牛血清中微量元素水平的影响 国内流行犬瘟热病毒dna重组疫苗的初步研究 牦牛口服凝胶剂的初步研究 青藏高原地区牦牛弓形虫血清检测报告 犬传染性肝炎的病理变化研究 犬第三眼睑增生切除法与包埋法治疗效果的比较 犬真菌性皮肤病的诊断及各方法的疗效观察 如何取得执业兽医资格考试的好成绩——对2009—2011年《兽医内科学》所涉试题的分析 生育三烯酚对高脂模型小鼠胆固醇代谢影响 糖适康配合胰岛素治疗犬糖尿病的疗效与临床观察分析 一例犬右侧前后肢同时骨折内固定手术治疗 牛源胸腺嘧啶依赖型金黄色葡萄球菌小菌落突变株的分离及鉴定 应用蛋白质组学技术对奶牛乳热血浆生物标志物的筛选及其生物信息学分析 云南家畜皮肤弹性正常值的测定 重金属镉离子人工抗原的合成与鉴定 猪链球菌宿主多样性调查 自制中药复方片剂对小鼠急性毒性试验研究 自体结扎与传统结扎在公猫去势手术中的效果比较 美国cornell大学访学杂记 昆明地区犬戊型肝炎流行的血清学调查 乳酸菌代谢产物乳酸对lps诱导的mimvec细胞信号通路nf—kb的调控作用 两种活性羰基类物质对ecv304的细胞毒性及其机制初探 儿茶素对甘油醛白蛋白非酶糖基化的抑制作用 一例犬子宫蓄脓合并子宫角扭转的诊治 犬痛风的临床症状及实验室检查 奶牛围产期疾病的控制 二、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医内科与临床诊疗学分会论文摘要 biofilm formation and biofilm—associated genes assay of staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis in china 5—hydroxytryptamine levels in the pulmonary arterioles of broilers with induced pulmonary hypertension and its relationship to pulmonary vascular remodeling β—hydroxybutyrate activates the nf—kb signaling pathway to promote the expression of pro—inflammatory factors in calf hepatocytes a survey on cestodes and protozoa of dogs in china berberine protects against lipopolysaccharide—induced endometritis in mice cadmium induction of reactive oxygen species activates the mitochondrial and akt/mtor pathways,leading to neuronal cell apoptosis cepharanthine attenuates lipopolysaccharide—induced mice mastitis by suppressing the nf—kb signaling pathway changes of serum biochemical parameters in periparturient dairy cows and cows with subclinical hypocalcemia characterization of the serum metabolic profile of dairy cows with milk fever usingh—nmr spectroscopy cyanidin—3—o—β—glucoside ameliorates lipopolysaccharide—induced acute lung injury by reducing tlr4 recruitment into lipid rafts cyanidin—3—o—β—glucoside inhibits lipopolysaccharide—induced inflammatory response in mouse mastitis model dietary selenium alters the transcriptome of selenoprotein in chicken liver differential characteristics and in vitro angiogenesis of bone marrow—and peripheral blood—derived endothelial progenitor cells:evidence from avian species effects of different selenium levels on gene expression of a subset of selenoproteins and antioxidative capacity in mice effects of niacin on staphylococcus aureus intenralization into bovine mammary epithelial cells by modulating nf—kb activation glycyrrhizin inhibits lipopolysaccharide—induced inflammatory response by reducing tlr4 recruitment into lipid rafts in raw264.7 cells glycyrrhizin inhibits the inflammatory response m mouse mammary epithelial cells and mouse mastitis model 1h nmr and gc/ms based plasma metabolic profiling of dairy cows with ketosis 1h nmr—based plasma metabolic profiling of dairy cows with type ⅰ and type ⅱ ketosis immune responses and allergic reactions in piglets by injecting glycinin infiuence of different factors on swainsonine production in fungal endophyte from locoweed insulin suppresses the ampk signaling pathway to regulate lipid metabolism in primary cultured bovine hepatocytes isolation and characterization of peripheral blood—derived endothelial progenitor cells from broiler chicken lipopolysaccharide increases toll—like receptor 4 and downstream toll—like receptor signaling molecules expression in bovine endometrial epithelial cells nefa induce dairy cows hepatocytes apoptosis through mitochondrial—mediated ros—jnk/erk signaling pathway non—esterified fatty acids activate the ros—p38—p53/nrf2 signaling pathway to induce bovine hepatocyte apoptosis in vitro oral immunization of chicken with recombinant lactobacillus casei vaccine against early alv—j phylogenetic group,virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance of escherichia coli associated with bovine mastitis preparation and characterization of eudragit l100 microcapsules containing zinc gluconate preparation and identification of monoclonal antibodies against bovine haptoglobin preparation and regeneration of protoplasts of the swainsonine—producting endophytic fungi,undifilum oxytropis from locoweed proteomic analysis on protein expression profiling induced by fluoride and sodium sulfite in mice testis prevalence and risk factors of giardia doudenalis in dogs from china regulatory effect of nod1 receptor on neutrophil function in dairy cows reproductive and developmental toxicities caused by swamsonine from locoweed role of cholecystokinin in anorexia induction following oral exposure to the 8—ketotrichothecenes deoxynivalenol,15—acetyldeoxynivalenol,3—acetyldeoxynivalenol,fusarenon x,and nivalenol selenium blocks pcv2 replication promotion induced by oxidative stress by improving gpxl expression selenoprotein w may influence the mrna level of some selenoprotein by reactive oxygen species in chicken myoblasts shotgun proteomic analysis of plasma from dairy cattle suffering from footrot:characterization of potential disease—associated factors shotgun proteomic analysis of serum from dairy cattle affected by hoof deformation staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli elicit different innate immune responses from bovine mammary epithelial cells t—2 toxin regulates steroid hormone secretion of rat ovarian granulosa cells through camp—pka pathway the effect of selenium deficiency on the dna methylation in the tissues of chicks thymol inhibits staphylococcus aureus intenralization into bovine mammary epithelial cells by inhibiting nf—kb activation lα.25—( oh)2d3调控破骨细胞分化过程中mmp—9蛋白的表达 h9亚型禽流感病毒感染引起mdck细胞内抗氧化功能的变化 hplc法测定贯叶连翘提取物中金丝桃素的含量 ifn—τ调节奶牛子宫上皮细胞bola—ⅰ的表达 label free方法筛选降解苦马豆素蛋白 n—乙酰—l—半胱氨酸对牛源无乳链球菌诱导的小鼠肝脏氧化损伤的保护作用 saa与hp在奶牛子宫内膜上皮细胞炎性反应中的表达及意义 不同硒浓度日粮对小鼠肝脏和睾丸组织中部分硒蛋白mrna水平的影响 抵抗素对肝脏糖脂代谢影响的研究概况 低水平激光辐照可通过抑制pmn黏附减轻lps诱导的大鼠乳腺炎病变 恩诺沙星注射液对肉牛细菌性呼吸道感染的疗效试验 氟中毒对雄性小鼠下丘脑—垂体—性腺轴显微和超微结构的影响 广东、湖南两地鸡饲料中矿物元素含量分析 厚朴酚通过下调tlr4介导的nf—kb和mapk信号通路抑制lps刺激的小鼠乳腺上皮细胞炎性因子的产生 黄白双花口服液药效学研究 黄曲霉毒素对猪生长性能和免疫指标的影响 鸡传染性贫血病病毒taqman荧光定量pcr检测方法的建立 江西不同地方品种鸡apoa—ⅰ、apob基因多态性与其脂肪代谢的关联性分析 基于石墨烯与巯堇纳米复合物的电化学适配体传感器检测伏马菌素b1 利巴韦林对猫细小病毒体外抑制作用的研究 硫氧还蛋白对h2o2诱导的brl—3a细胞损伤的保护作用 慢性氟中毒对小鼠精子atp生成途径的影响 猫细小病毒的分离与鉴定 钼、镉联合诱导对鸭血常规的影响 奶牛产后灌服丙二醇与钙磷镁合剂对比研究 奶牛血清钙检测试剂盒研制与初步应用 宁夏某地区牛支原体病的流行病学调查及分子进化分析 宁夏肉牛皮肤病原真菌的分离与鉴定 牛源胸腺嘧啶依赖型金黄色葡萄球菌小菌落突变株的生理生化特性分析 浅析抵抗素与炎症的相关性 奇异变形杆菌和大肠杆菌混合感染导致奶牛关节脓肿和腹泻的报道 犬尿石症x光和b超诊断对比研究 妊娠期与泌乳期氟摄入对子代雄性小鼠学习记忆能力的影响 日粮硒对小鼠肾脏硒沉积及抗氧化酶基因表达的影响 肉鸡硫氧还蛋白原核表达载体的构建、蛋白纯化及其活性鉴定 山羊羔“猝死症”的诊治 上海规模牧场奶牛疾病流行状况及分析 肾型ibv感染对鸡临床病理学及相关基因表达的影响 饲料中afb1、zea、don的污染情况分析 羧基化多壁碳纳米管对大鼠睾丸p38和jnk通路的影响










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