










WHILE THE present century was in its teens, and on one sunshinymorning in June, there drove up to the great iron gate of missPinkerton’s academy for young ladies, on Chiswick mall, a largefamily coach, with two fat horses in blazing harness, driven by afat coachman in a three-cornered hat and wig, at the rate of fourmiles an hour. a black servant, who reposed on the box beside thefat coachman, uncurled his bandy legs as soon as the equipagedrew up opposite miss Pinkerton’s shining brass plate, and as hepulled the bell at least a score of young heads were seen peeringout of the narrow windows of the stately old brick house. Nay,the acute observer might have recognized the little red nose ofgood-natured Miss Jemima Pinkerton herself, rising over somegeranium pots in the window of that lady’s own drawing-room.




萨克雷(1811—1 863年),英国小说家。自1833年起,萨克雷就在报章杂志上发表文章,但是直到长篇小说《名利场》问世,他才被公认是天才小说家。萨克雷的主要作品有:《当差通信》、《凯瑟琳》、《纽克姆一家》、《弗吉尼亚人》等。他的最后一部小说是《丹尼斯·杜瓦尔》,在他去世时仅完成8章,1864年在《康希尔杂志》发表。



BEFORE THE CURTAINCHAPTER I Chiswick MallCHAPTER II In Which Miss Sharp and Miss SedleyPrepare to Open the CampaignCHAPTER III Rebecca Is in Presence of the EnemyCHAPTER IV The Green Silk PurseCHAPTERV Dobbin of OursCHAPTER VI VauxhallCHAPTERVII Crawley of Queen’s CrawleyCHAPTERVIII Private and ConfidentialCHAPTER IX Family PortraitsCHAPTER X Miss Sharp Begins to Make FriendsCHAPTER XI Arcadian SimplicityCHAPTER XII Quite a Sentimental ChapterCHAPTERXIII Sentimental and Otherwise ~ BEFORE THE CURTAINCHAPTER I Chiswick MallCHAPTER II In Which Miss Sharp and Miss SedleyPrepare to Open the CampaignCHAPTER III Rebecca Is in Presence of the EnemyCHAPTER IV The Green Silk PurseCHAPTERV Dobbin of OursCHAPTER VI VauxhallCHAPTERVII Crawley of Queen’s CrawleyCHAPTERVIII Private and ConfidentialCHAPTER IX Family PortraitsCHAPTER X Miss Sharp Begins to Make FriendsCHAPTER XI Arcadian SimplicityCHAPTER XII Quite a Sentimental ChapterCHAPTERXIII Sentimental and Otherwise  ~CHAPTERXIV Miss Crawley at HomeCHAPTER XV In Which Rebecca’s Husband Appearsfor a Short TimeCHAPTER XVI The Letter on the PincushionCHAPTERXVII How Captain Dobbin Bought a PianoCHAPTER XVIII Who Played on the Piano CaptainDobbin BoughtCHAPTER XIX Miss Crawley at NurseCHAPTER XX In Which Captain Dobbin Acts as theMessenger of HymenCHAPTER XXI A Quarrel About an HeiressCHAPTER XXII A Marriage and Part of a HoneymoonCHAPTERXXIII Captain Dobbin Proceeds on His CanvassCHAPTER XXIV In Which Mr. Osborne Takes Downthe Family BibleCHAPTERXXV InWhichAll the Principal PersonagesThink Fit to Leave BrightonCHAPTER XXVI Between London and ChathamCHAPTERXXVII InWhich Amelia Joins Her RegimentCHAPTERXXVIII In Which Amelia Invades the LowCountriesCHAPTER XXIX BrusselsCHAPTER XXX “The Girl I Left Behind Me”.CHAPTER XXXI In Which Jos Sedley Takes Care of HisSisterCHAPTERXXXII In WhichJos Takes Flight, and the WarIs Brought to a CloseCHAPTER XXXIII In Which Miss Crawley’s RelationsAre Very Anxious About HerCHAPTER XXXIV James Crawley’s Pipe Is Put OutCHAPTERXXXV Widow and MotherCHAPTER XXXVI How to Live Well on Nothing a YearCHAPTERXXXVII The Subject ContinuedCHAPTERXXXVIII A Family in a Very Small WayCHAPTER XXXIX A Cynical ChapterCHAPTER XL In Which Becky Is Recognized by the FamilyCHAPTER XLI In Which Becky Revisits the Halls of HerAncestorsCHAPTER XLII Which Treats of the Osborne FamilyCHAPTER XLIII In Which the Reader Has to Doublethe CapeCHAPTER XLIV A Round-about Chapter betweenLondon and HampshireCHAPTERXLV Between Hampshire and LondonCI-IAPTER XLVI Struggles and TrialsCHAPTERXLVII Gaunt HouseCHAPTER XLVHI In Which the Reader Is Introducedto the Very Best of CompanyCtL~PTERXLIX InWhichWe EnjoyThree Coursesand a DessertCHAPTER L Contains a Vulgar IncidentCHAPTER LI In Which a Charade Is Acted WhichMay or May Not Puzzle the ReaderCHAPTER LI! In Which Lord Steyne ShowsHimself in a Most Amiable LightCHAPTER LIII A Rescue and a CatastropheCHAPTER LIV SundayAfter the BattleCHAPTER LV In Which the Same Subject is PursuedCHAPTER LVI Georgy Is Made a GentlemanCHAPTER LVII EothenCHAPTER LVIII Our Friend the MajorCHAPTER LIX The Old PianoCHAPTER LX Returns to the Genteel WorldCHAPTER LXI In Which Two Lights are Put OutCHAPTER LXII Am RheinCHAPTER LXIII In Which We Meet an Old AcquaintanceCHAPTER LXIV A Vagabond ChapterCHAPTER LXV Full of Business and PleasureCHAPTER LXVI Amantium IraeCHAPTER LXVII Which Contains Births,Marriages, and Deaths










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