






插图:To most people electricity is a rather mysterious thing, perhaps because it is a silent-andinvisible-almost a secret-agent which we do not know in the direct way we know things that wecan see and touch. But every one of the many thousands of different materials in the worldcontains hidden electricity. All materials are made from different simple substancesIll called’elements’. Some materials, for instance, copper, iron, carbon, and oxygen and hydrogengases, contain only one kind of element. Water contains two kinds-hydrogen and oxygen; sugarcontains three-carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; only a few substances contain more than five orsix different elements.If we were to take a piece of carbon and cut it into smaller and smaller pieces, we shouldsoon have to stop because the pieces would be too small for any knife to cut. Even if we imaginea knife sharp enough to carry on cutting, we should finally have to stop when the carbon wasdivided into the smallest possible pieces, called atoms. When an atom of carbon is itselfsplit[a] , the pieces are no longer pieces of carbon but the extremely small particles[3] of whichthe carbon atom-and, indeed, all atoms-are made. The most important of these particles are theelectrons.Electricity, then, is an important part of all substances. Usually, equal amounts of pos-itive and negative electricity are present and cancel each other’ s effect, and so we do not noticethat any electricity is there at all. But when the positive and negative parts are separated in someway, we see their effects and recognize that electricity is present. When, for instance, anebonite[4] fountain pen[5] is rubbed[6] with a silk handkerchief, some of the atoms in the silkhave one or two of their electrons knocked off. The loose electrons collect on the pen so that ithas a surplus[7] of electrons, and consequently a surplus of negative electricity——that is, anegative elec











前言 unit 1 basic theory for electrical engineering 1.1 electricity and electromagnetic 1.2 engineering circuit analysis 1.3 electronics and automation 1.4 microcomputer unit 2 electrical machines 2.1 alternating-current machines 2.2 synchronous machine theory and modeling 2.3 induction motor 2.4 transformer unit 3 power electronics 3.1 understanding facts: basic concept and general system consideration 3.2 power semiconductor devices 3.3 static compensators and combined compensators 3.4 high voltage direct current (hvdc)transmission systems technology review paper unit 4 electric power system 4.1 introduction 4.2 electric power generation 4.3 electric power system operation 4.4 power system stability problem 4.5 fault and relaying protection unit 5 distributed power generation 5.1 distributed generation versus traditional power systems 5.2 renewable resource distributed generators 5.3 energy storage for use with distributed generation 5.4 basic dg case:grid interconnection options unit 6 专业英语的阅读、翻译与写作 6.1 专业英语的特点 6.2 专业英语中的特殊语法现象 6.3 专业英语中的常用句型 6.4 专业英语的翻译 6.5 专业英语的写作 词汇表 常用专业词汇 常用国外专业期刊名称 参考文献










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