






  Chinese intellectual property law and practice is of vital concern to rights owners all round the world.China is now part of the global economy – a big and growing part. Its vast market, with more consumers entenng every year as a result of government policies,is simply too good to miss for businesses globally.But if they are going to make a success of their sales in China, they need to take heed of the dangers posed by failing to register and enforce their rights. The practical advice in this book is a vital tool in their armoury as they look to achieve a proper and effective level of protection. The Chinese IP system, and indeed the court system by which it is enforced, may be no more than teenage in terms of experience, but they are learning fast,and all the time the rough edges are being shaved off the system, and it is working better, faster and more reliably. 《知识产权实务手册》:This collection of short articles reveals some of the ways in which the Chinese system can be worked to the best advantage of the IP owner. The book deals with the full range of IP rights and the full range of situations, from basic advice on registration strategy,to detailed advice on dealing with rights which arise during the course of employmem.




  Dr. Jian Xu is a dual qualified Chinese lawyer and patent/trademark attorney. He is in charge of the Chinese IP practice at the international law firm, Wragge & Co. He has handled all aspects of intellectual property in business including drafting,prosecution, enforcement, acquisition and licensing of IP in China since 2005.Gordon Harris is the Head of IP at international law firm,Wragge & Co. He has been a regular visitor to China since 2001 and set up the firm’s office in Guangzhou. He has 25 years experience in all aspects of intellectual property law including cases in the UK Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice.



AcknowledgementsAbout The AuthorForwardPractice notes on design filingNotable changes of amended patent lawChoosing private investigators for anti-counterfeiting workLegal grounds for combating pirated trade marksToolbox for trade mark oppositionEvidence checklist for trade mark opposition/cancellationIntellectual property recordal at CustomsFour courses of action for IP enforcementGeneral strategies for IP enforcementGeneral strategy of IP complaint at Canton FairPractical tips of making IP complaints at Canton FairPractical tips for notarised trap purchaseDealing with infringers using false company addressLetter of consent relating to trade marksEstabhshing copyright ownershipEvidence of trade mark usePragmatic anti-counterfeiting by risk/benefit analysisNotes on partial designsContributory infringement of foreign suppherIP holding companyEvidence for weU-known trade marksAction plan for patent infringementTypical process of patent infringement actionChinese character trade marksTips on translating trade marksCollective trade marksA primer for intellectual property registrationA primer for unfair competitionA primer for intellectual property enforcementDomain name registration and comphanceLegal grounds for domain name disputesIP registration beyond mainland ChinaUtility model coupled with an invention patentProving bad faith in trade mark disputeNotable features of trade mark assignmentRequesting an open hearing for trade mark cancellationSummary of patent registration requirementsSummary of trade mark registration requirementsSummary of copyright recordal requirementsCopyright registration of computer softwareEmployee inventor compensationTechnology transfer-three categories of technologyInventions made-in-ChinaTrade mark piracy by the agent or representativeTrade name vs. trade mark“Right of name/portrait” vs. trade markDetermining the similarity of goods/servicesDetermining the similarity of trade marksNotable features of patent prosecutionRecognition of well-known trade marksDetermining the similarity of designsRequirements for design drawingsTrade mark infringement in OEMPaying bond for Customs seizureIP complaint at B2B websitesThe consequence of double patentingDouble standard for the skilled artisanElectronic evidence in IP litigationCopyright in the course of employmentFair use of copyrightPrior use defence in patent litigationProvisional protection of patent applicationProsecution history estoppel in patent litigationChina’s National IP StrategyAppendixPatent Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaTrademark Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaCopyright Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaLaw Against Unfair Competition of the People’s Republic of ChinaTrademark Registration Flow ChartPatent Registration Flow ChartDisclaimer










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