






  周晓谊,现为海南大学信息科学与技术学院副教授。硕士就读期间,跟随吉林大学计算机学院赵永哲教授研究密码学。后于英国格林尼治大学(UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH)师从DR.JIXINMA教授和DR.MILTOSPETRIDIS教授攻读博士学位,课题方向为信息安全与人工智能。至今主持或参与项目10余项,在图像处理、信息安全等领域的国际会议和国内外期刊发表学术论文20余篇,其中EI收录近10篇。



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONSection 1.1 Motivations: Security Based on Temporal OrderSection 1.1.1 Formal Characterization of Time-seriesSection 1.1.2 BMQE SystemSection 1.1.3 Temporal Ordered Image CryptographySection 1.1.4 Temporal Ordered Image HidingSection 1.2 Objectives: Information Security Using TemporalTheorySection 1.3 Outlines of the Main ContributionsSection 1.4 Book StructureCHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEWSection 2.1 Temporal BasisSection 2.1.1 Point-based SystemsSection 2.1.2 Interval-based SystemsSection 7.1.3 A point & Interval-based TheorySection 2.1.4 Notion of Time-seriesSection 2.2 Ergodic MatrixSection 2.2.1 Finite FieldsSection 2.2.2 Definitions and Related Theorems of the EMSection 2.2.3 Security Analysis of a Question Based on EMSection 2.3 CryptographySection 2.3.1 History of Cryptography and CryptanalysisSection 2.3.2 Symmetric Cryptography vs. AsymmetricCryptographySection 2.3.3 Multivariate Quadratic PolynomialsSection 2.4 Information HidingSection 2.4.1 History of Information HidingSection 2.4.2 Steganography vs. WatermarkingSection 2.4.3 Data Hiding Technologies in ImagesSection 2.5 ConclusionsCHAPTER 3 BMQE SYSTEMSection 3.1 Important Characteristics of EM for BMQE SystemSection 3.2 BMQE Based on Ergodic MatrixSection 3.2.1 BMQE ProblemSection 3.2.2 BMQE is NP-CompleteSection 3.3 Cryptanalysis of BMQESection 3.3.1 Methods Used in Solving MQ-problemsSection 3.3.2 Fixing VariablesSection 3.3.3 RelinearizationSection 3.4 ConclusionsCHAPTER 4 IMAGE CRYPTOGRAPHYSection 4.1 Review of Image CryptographySection 4.1.1 Characteristics of Image CryptographySection 4.1.2 Image Cryptography AlgorithmsSection 4.2 Hybrid-key Based Image CryptographySection 4.2.1 Encryption/Decryption and Authentication ProcessSection 4.2.2 Image ConfusionSection 4.2.3 Image DiffusionSection 4.3 Security AnalysisSection 4.3.1 Key Space AnalysisSection 4.3.2 Statistical AnalysisSection 4.3.3 Sensitivity-based AttackSection 4.4 Performance EvaluationSection 4.5 ConclusionsCHAPTER 5 IMAGE HIDINGSection 5.1 Related ResultsSection 5.1.1 GA-based WatermarkingSection 5.1.2 SVM-based WatermarkingSection 5.2 Design IdeaSection 5.2.1 MotivationSection 5.2.2 Embedding Strength with SVMSection 5.2.3 Embedding Position with Optimized GASection 5.3 Algorithm SOGA: Watermarking Based on SVM andOptimized-GASection 5.3.1 Communication ProcedureSection 5.3.2 Embedding ProcedureSection 5.3.3 Extracting ProcedureSection 5.4 Experimental ResultsSection 5.4.1 Evaluation Criterion in System PerformanceSection 5. d. 2 Results by Different Iteration NumbersSection 5.4.3 Robustness Against Various AttacksSection 5.5 ConclusionCHAPTER 6 TEMPORAL APPLICATIONSSection 6.1 Formal Characterization of Time-seriesSection 6.1.1 Why Choosing TemporalSection 6.1.2 Formalize the Characterization of Time-seriesSection 6.2 Temporal-based Image CryptosystemSection 6.2.1 Eneryption-deeryption Process Using TemporalLogicSection 6.2.2 Expand the Key SizeSection 6.2.3 Adjust the ImagesSection 6.2.4 Security AnalysisSection 6.3 Temporal-based Image HidingSection 6.3.1 Static Multiple Digital Watermarking with TemporalLogicSection 6.3.2 Dynamic Multiple Digital Watermarking ConsideringTemporal LogicSection 6.4 ConclusionsCHAPTER 7 APPLICATIONS IN RFID FORAGRICULTURAL PRODUCTSSection 7.1 Development of RFID Anti-counterfeit TechnologySection 7.2 An Anti.counterfeiting Scheme for AgriculturalRFIDSection 7.3 BMQE for RFID Anti.CounterfeitingSection 7.3.1 Key GenerationSection 7.3.2 Encryption ProcedureSection 7.3.3 Decryption ProcedureSection 7.4 SOGA for RFID Tampering DetectionSection 7.5 ConclusionsCHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKSection 8.1 ConclusionsSection 8.2 Future Work DiscussionReference










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