


  本书是一套专为学习汉语的英语母语人士设计的 教材,其核心是一套完全在中国各地实景拍摄的连续 剧视频。纸质教材提供了了与连续剧视频相关联的练 习及学习活动,并提供互动网络练习、语言学习游戏 、在线学习社区等其他学习者可以根据自己的节奏使 用的延伸内容。特点是生动、直接,能让学习者从一 开始就完全浸入汉语和中国文化。纸质教材包括学生 用书、教师用书、汉字练习本和剧本。《环球汉语》 应用*新技术手段,通过网站、音视频等灵活多样的 教学手段有技巧地帮助学习者迅速、稳定地获得进步 。无论是汉语学习者还是汉语教师,都能够通过《环 球汉语》不同阶段的教与学不断获得启发。
     本册为《环球汉语(汉语和中国文化教师用书2) 》,由任友梅、孟德儒编著。



前言preface学术委员会 academic committee致谢 acknowledgments说明 introductionunit eleven:”haven’t we met before?” 第十一单元:似曾相识 getting to know people better 1:问候和介绍:复习及扩展 greetings and introductions:review and expansion fyi personal relationships in china:welcome to guanxi关系/關係 fyi titles galore grammar bits a liale lesson on 了 le 2:交换个人信息、建立关系 building a relationship by exchanging personal details fyi getting personal fyi “spelling” in chinese 3:进行简单的自我介绍 haking a brief narrative statement about yourself ●skills and interests ●sports grammar bits how an action is performed fyi “arf, arf meow,meow” now heard increasingly in china 4:询问和提供第三方的信息 asking for and providing information about a third party 5:称赞他人及回应他人的称赞 giving and deflecting compliments 6:告辞:复习与扩展 taking your ieave:review and expansion ●unit rap 7:读和写 reading and writing ●reading familiar sentences in chinese characters grammar bits the many faces of de in chinese ●reading real-life texts jackie chan entry on baidu.com ●learning to write characters 客,气/氣,答,问/問,题/題,写/寫,谈/談,找,新, 爱/愛,老,师/師,学/學,朋,友,恭,发/發,财/財 ●filling out a form cultural bits physical characteristics and social expectations 单元总结recap ●grammar fiuing/eintoyourlanguage·de,de,de,andmorede ●vocabulary. ●checklist of “can do” statementsunit twelve:”food is fundamental” 第十二单元:民以食为天 shopping for food 1:安排一次购买食品之行 setting up a food-shopping excursion fyi food shopping in china 2:说出不同水果的名称 naming different kinds of fruit grammar bits commenting on the performance of an action:review and expansion 3:说出食品种类、味道及特点 naming food items,flavors,and other characteristics of food ●flavors ●other qualities ●categories of food 4:谈论蔬菜 discussing vegetables grammar bits的,the little modifier that could:review and expansion 5:做一顿饭 putting together a meal 6:去超市买食品 shopping for food in a supermarket fyi five foods to live by ●unit rap 7:读和写 reading and writing grammar bits more on coverbs ●reading familiar sentences in chinese characters grammar bits yet another coverb-把 ●reading real-life texts supermarket ads ●learning to write characters 果,菜,香,蕉,瓜,桃,酸,甜,苦,辣,蔬,绿/綠, 色,肉,牛,猪/豬,鸡/雞,鱼/魚,鲜/鮮,味,超,市 ●haking a shopping list cultural bits shopping for food 单元总结 recap ●grammar two kinds of de·more on coverbs:double-duty verbs·the coverb把6古 ●vocabulary ●checklist of“can do”statementsunit thirteen:”a simple,home-cooked meal”unit fourteen: “a tasty meal at good price”unit sixteen: “study hard and improve day by day”unit seventeen: “east, west, home is best”unit nineteen: “boundless as the sea and sky”unit twenty: “live to old age; learn to old age”参考材料 reference










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