STEP BY STEP听透VOA听力理解-(高级)-附赠MP3光盘














目录chapter 1 文化之窗01 nicknames for los angeles 洛杉矶别名 / 202 top brass “老板”的来历 / 603 santa claus 圣诞老人 / 1004 fall guy 替罪羊 / 1405 proverbs tell about love, war and money 与战争、爱情、金钱有关的谚语 / 1806 nicknames for chicago 芝加哥别名 / 2207 nicknames for cleveland 克里夫兰的别名 / 2608 water expressions 和“水”相关的表达 / 3009 it will not wash 这行不通 / 3410 get your act together 行动起来 / 38chapter 2 灾难来袭01 deadly maize disease threatens food supplies in kenya 致命玉米疾病威胁肯尼亚粮食安全 / 4402 us faces worst drought in 56 years 美国面临56年以来*为严重的干旱 / 4803 influences brought by us drought 美国干旱带来的影响 / 5204 us farmers struggle with drought 美国农民与干旱作抗争 / 5605 rare fungal meningitis outbreak in united states 美国爆发罕见的真菌性脑膜炎 / 5906 more low cost anti-aids drugs mean more people treated 抗艾滋药物成本越低意味着越多人得到治疗 / 6307 uganda fights another ebola outbreak 乌干达再次爆发埃博拉出血热 / 6708 cleanup from us storm could benefit local economy 飓风过境可改善经济 / 71chapter 3 经济之声01 job opportunities and unemployment in south africa 南非的就业机会和失业率 / 7602 economic hard times increase immigration tensions in europe 经济困难时期增加欧洲移民的紧张度 / 8003 major us city detroit files for bankruptcy 美国主要城市底特律申请破产 / 8404 e-commerce challenges traditional stores 电子商务挑战传统商店 / 8805 banking reform is central to burma’s economic progress 银行业改革是缅甸经济进程的重点 / 9206 ”patriotic millionaires” say their taxes are too low 美国“爱国富豪”呼吁对自己增税 / 9607 ethiopia permits mobile banking and money services 埃塞俄比亚批准移动银行和移动支付 / 10008 vietnam opens its markets to more foreign-owned securities companies 越南向外资开放证券公司市场 / 10409 first presidential debate centers on economic concerns 美国总统竞选首场辩论聚焦经济问题 / 108chapter 4 教育之道01 us lawmakers debate the costs of education 美国立法者讨论教育成本问题 / 11402 build a school in burma 在缅甸兴建学校 / 11803 young taliban victim calls for children’s education rights 塔利班枪击受害女生呼吁保障儿童受教育的权利 / 12204 how an allowance helps children learn about money 如何用零花钱帮助孩子们学会理财 / 12605 new digital library to display world on the internet 互联网上的世界数字图书馆 / 13006 puberty lessons for african girls may raise attendance 青春期教育可能有助于提高非洲女孩出勤率 / 13407 young people in developing countries fail to complete schooling 发展中国家很多青年未能完成学业 / 13808 american documents the country’s first exchange students from china 美国著作记录**批留美中国学生 / 142chapter 5 娱乐天地01 country music thrives in 2012 2012年大放异彩的乡村音乐 / 14802 k inky boots becomes the biggest winner at the 67th tony awards 《长靴妖姬》成为第67届托尼奖*大赢家 / 15103 trance hypnotizes and entertains 《木乃伊之吻》——魅惑的吸引力和惊喜的观赏感 / 15504 man of steel still going strong 《超人:钢铁之躯》震撼来袭 / 15805 musical prodigy emily bear shines on diversity 音乐神童埃米莉?贝尔因《花样精灵》而闪耀 / 16206 remembering j.j. cale 纪念j?j?凯尔 / 16607 drive-in movies in us still draw crowds 汽车影院在美国仍能吸引大批观众 / 170chapter 6 环境保护01 will there be enough water for everyone 水,还够吗 / 17602 to protect rhinos, anti-poaching business grows in south africa 南非保安公司为保护犀牛开展反偷猎业务 / 18003 improving feed efficiency in cattle 提高牛的饲养效率 / 18404 micro-irrigation pioneer wins world food prize 滴灌技术开创者获得世界粮食奖 / 18805 how overfishing threatens asia’s wild fish stocks 过度捕捞威胁亚洲野生鱼类资源 / 19206 russian prime minister calls for ban on smoking in public 俄罗斯总理呼吁公共场合禁烟 / 19607 scientists dispute study of genetically modified corn 科学家对转基因玉米导致肿瘤提出异议 / 20008 scientists say climate change threatens mekong livelihoods 科学家称气候变化威胁湄公河流域百姓生计 / 20409 tobacco forces still strong 烟草势力仍然强大 / 20810 a un warning about chemical dangers 联合国报告:来自化学品的风险加剧 / 212chapter 7 健康之路01 city gardens provide healthy food 城市菜园提供健康食物 / 21802 bpa influence human health 双酚a影响人类健康 / 22203 daily exercise leads to better health 每天锻炼给你带来好身体 / 22604 asthma affecting people’s health 哮喘影响人体健康 / 23005 bad teeth—gums major problems 蛀牙——严重的牙齿问题 / 23406 food supplies is important for hunger 食物供应情况对饥饿问题很重要 / 23807 condition of oceans affects human health 海洋环境影响人类健康 / 24208 people living near toxic waste sites are exposed to many chemicals 有毒废料处理场附近居民暴露于多种化学品污染中 / 24609 overweight children in developing countries 发展中国家超重儿童数量急剧增加 / 250chapter 8 社会生活01 how hair grows 头发是如何生长的 / 25602 congress debates subsidies for us farmers 美国国会就农民补贴展开辩论 / 26003 usda agreed to change the design of meat labels 美国农业部同意变更肉类标签设计 / 26404 opium poppy growing has increased in afghanistan 阿富汗的鸦片种植连年增加 / 26805 in the garden: growing beets 如何种植甜菜 / 27206 vegetables made in the shade 树荫下的蔬菜 / 27507 getting a firm grip on weed control 控制杂草生长的办法 / 27908 new rules aim to improve us food safety 美国出台提升食品安全的新规定 / 28309 south korea’s newest trains take tracks less traveled 韩国*新列车不走寻常路 / 28710 boba tea is hip to be asian in the us 珍珠奶茶正在亚裔美籍人中流行 / 291chapter 9 科技纵横01 scientists for the first time create human stem cells through cloning 科学家首次通过克隆获取人类干细胞 / 29602 malawi hospital expands use of electronic records 马拉维医院扩大使用电子病历 / 30003 watching for early signs of autism in babies 观察儿童自闭症的早期迹象 / 30404 researchers develop treatment for ptsd 研究人员开发出创伤后应激障碍症的疗法 / 30805 new generation of laptops spell trouble for pcs 新一代笔记本对个人电脑造成麻烦 / 31206 smartphone apps are encouraging young smokers 一些智能手机应用程序鼓励年轻人吸烟 / 31607 slow and gentle are best in treating hypothermia 低温症患者的处理原则 / 32008 how to stay warm and safe in freezing weather 严寒天气如何保暖 / 32409 the ups and downs of living longer 寿命延长方面的此长彼消 / 32710 seeking hiv tests for all in us age 15-65 对所有15~65岁美国人进行艾滋病毒检测 / 331


STEP BY STEP听透VOA听力理解-(高级)-附赠MP3光盘

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