





part 1 teachingchapter 1 introduction 1.1 background of the research 1.2 significance of the research 1.3 clarification of terms 1.4 an overview of the thesischapter 2 research strategies 2.1 research on language learning strategies 2.2 research on vocabulary learning strategies 2.3 relationship between reading and vocabulary development 2.4 the role of dictionaries in vocabulary learning 2.5 the modified classification scheme of vocabulary learning strategieschapter 3 theoretic basis of the study 3.1 cognitive psychology 3.2 linguistic consideration 3.3 krashen’s language learning theorieschapter 4 case analyzing 4.1 objectives of the study 4.2 subjects 4.3 device for data collection 4.4 procedure 4.5 analysischapter 5 data presentation and discussion 5.1 the beliefs held by chinese non-english majors towards vocabulary learning 5.2 vocabulary learning strategies used by non-english majors 5.3 correlation between vocabulary learning strategies and learning outcomes 5.4 comparison of vocabulary learning strategies used by science students and liberal arts students 5.5 comparison of vocabulary learning strategies used by female students and male studentschapter 6 conclusions and implications 6.1 conclusions 6.2 implications 6.3 limitations and recommendations appendix referencespart 2 translation introductionchapter 1 a survey of hongloumeng and its spread in english-speaking worldchapter 2 the rationale for a sociolinguistic study of hongloumeng and its english translation 2.i sociolinguistics and literature 2.2 sociolinguistics and literary translation 2.3 sociolinguistics, the language of hongloumeng and its english translationchapter 3 the study of hongloumeng from a sociolinguistic point of view 3.1 dialects 3.3 culture 3.2 registerchapter 4 a study of the english version of hongloumeng from a sociolinguistic point of view 4.1 good translations 4.2 failures in the translation and untranslatability 4.3 a study of the cause of untranslatibilitychapter 5 proposed techniques to handle the sociolinguistic factors in the translating process of hongloumeng 5.1 literal translation method 5.2 adaptation method 5.3 transliteration method 5.4 contextual amplification method 5.5 annotation method 5.6 free translation methodchapter 6 conclusion










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