


  《大学英语四六级晨读经典365(第4版):冬日沉思篇》:  The decline of linguistic and cultural diversity is linked to the loss of biodiversity, a study has suggested.  The authors said that 70% of the world’s languages were found within the planet’s biodiversity hotspots.  Data showed that as these important environmental areas were degraded over time, cultures and languages in the area were also being lost.  The results of the study have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).  ”Biologists estimate annual loss of species at 1,000 times or more greater than historic rates, and linguists predict that 50-90% of the world’s languages will disappear by the end of the century,” the researchers wrote.  Lead author Larry Gorenflo from Penn State University, in the US, said previous studies had identified a geographical connection between the two, but did not offer the level of detail required.  Dr Gorenflo told BBC News that the limitation to the data was that either the languages were listed by country or there was a dot on the map to indicate the location.  ”But what you did not know was if the area extended two kilometres or 200 kilometres, so you really did not get a sense of the extent of the language,” he explained.  ”We used improved language data to really get a more solid sense of how languages and biodiversity co-occurred and an understanding of how geographically extensive the language was.”  He said the study achieved this by also looking at smaller areas with high biodiversity, such as national parks or other protected habitats.  ”When we did that, not only did we get a sense of cooccurrence at a regional scale, but we also got a sense that cooccurrence was found at a much finer scale:’ he said.  ”We are not quite sure yet why this happens, but in a lot of cases it may well be that biodiversity evolved as part-and-parcel of cultural diversity, and vice versa.”  In their paper, the researchers pointed out that, out of the 6,900 or more languages spoken on Earth, more than 4,800 occurred in regions containing high biodiversity.  Dr Gorenflo described these locations as “very important landscapes” which were “getting fewer and fewer” but added that the study’s data could help provide long-term security.  ……




  《大学英语四六级晨读经典365(第4版):冬日沉思篇》共分为4个单元:  时代报道:本单元主要关注社会生活,涉及政治、家庭、人口、环保等热点新闻话题,带你了解时代变幻。  文教生活:本单元主要侧重于文化教育,涉及文学、风俗、文化、教育体制等方面的理念和新发展,带你领略各国文教生活。  经济学人:本单元选取的是有关经济发展、经济制度、企业管理、经济学理论等方面的新文章,带你走进经济生活。  科学探索:本单元带你了解科学发现、科技进步、网络发展、医疗卫生等方面的新动态。  文章内部设置分为文化嘹望、晨读精选、词汇注释和唯美译文4大板块:  文化瞭望:主要介绍与所选文章有关的背景知识,目的是为了拓展读者的知识面。  晨读精选:即我们精心为读者挑选的阅读文章,或优美,或煽情,或深沉,或引人深思。  词汇注释:注解晨读精选文章中出现的生词、难词,为轻松阅读扫清障碍。  唯美译文:给出晨读精选文章的优美译文,中英文对照,便于读者理解精选美文。  积跬步以至千里,积小流以成江河。每天15分钟,让英文阅读读成为您的习惯。




  江涛,原北外青年教师,曾任北京戴尔国际英语学校副校长(现被培生集团收购)主管留学培训业务。2001年后受多家培训机构之邀于全国范围内教授雅思,赴百多所知名高校演讲干余场。2003年推出《80天攻克雅思》丛书,名列国内各大销售榜榜首,远销台湾及东南亚地区,2004年和同乡兄长彭铁成(现新航道副总裁)创办华盛顿英语学校。2005年与成卓女士创办卓成教育,2007年受聘主持中央人民广播电台经济之声早间英语节目。2008年起制作并主持“英语大赢家”动画&真人电视栏目,在多家电视台播出。  至今出版各类英语教辅畅销类书籍百余册,千万余字,为网畅销书作者。



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