


  《上海社会科学院论文选(第12辑 套装共4册 英文版)》:  4.Can China Span “Middle Income Trap” Successfully: Several Debates and Inspirations  China is the second largest economic entity and the largest developingcountry in the world.The achievements made since the reform and opening upare obvious to all.The recent debates regarding the sustainability of high—speedeconomy development in China draw the public attention.Especially, Chinasteps into the middle and high income level and is faced with external economydegradation and massive problems in national economy.Whether the curse of”middle income trap” will appear in China causes wrangle in the academic worldand draw the public attention in the fragile node of world economy recovery.  4.1 China may fall into ” middle income trap”: contradictions and problems in economic structure  WU Jinglian pointed out that the extensive economic growth modelcharacterized by “investment driving” and “heavy chemical industry” generallyexists in the real economy of China.The conflicts in low efficiency model andscarcity of resource endowment will cause severe social consequences inevitably.On the account of low efficiency investment inundating in past several years,China pays less attention to technical innovation and product upgrading, andexport—oriented development mode (export making up for insufficient domesticdemand), resulting in larger and larger risks and challenges in the sustainability ofeconomic growth.At the same time, China is also faced with the potential risk in”middle income trap”, such as lowering comparative advantage in labor forces,obvious tendency of aging, destruction of the ecological environment,deterioration of foreign trade environment, growing income gap, increase ofsocial group events, etc.In the opinion of LIU Wei, China is suffering fromfour problems, institutional innovation interruption, lack of technical innovationcapacity, imbalance of economic development and supply and demand, andimmoderate reliance on foreign capital.The four problems may respectively resultin the lack of everlasting dynamics in economic and social development, thedifficulty in improving and stabilizing economic growth via efficiency, theresource allocation deterioration, the imbalance of supply and demand, and thelack of internal stability in economic activities.Hence, China is possible to fallinto “middle income trap”.  ……




《上海社会科学院论文选·第12辑》摘选了上海社科院专家和学者2013-2014年撰写并公开发表的重要学术论文。本册为第4卷, 文化、历史和哲学。













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