塑料技术手册:Volume 1:塑料制品生产:Fabricating product



  《塑料技术手册 塑料制品生产(1 影印版)》:  PLASTICS PROCESSING PERF—ORMANCE  This review provides anintroduction to processing performances; many more examples are provided throughout this book.The flow patterns resulting from the conditions of a particular fabricating process are very important in affecting product performances.The melting of plastics follows different phases that affect performances.An example is its modulus of elasticity.As the temperature increases, the plastic goes through the phases of glassy, transition, rubbery, and melt flow.  Reinforcing fibers, specifically the glass fibers, are brittle.Thus, when they are used in conjunction with a brittle matrix, as are certain TSs, it might be expected that the plastic composite would have low fracture energy.This is not true, and the impact strength of most glass— reinforced TS plastics is many times greater than the impact strengths of either the fibers or the matrix.Impact strength is higher if the bond between the glass fibers and the matrix is relatively weak, because ifit is so strong that it cannot be broken, cracks will propagate across the matrix and fibers, and very little energy will be absorbed.Thus, there is a conflict between the requirements for maximum tensile or flexural modulus or strength (long glass fibers and strong interface bonds) and maximum impact strength (chapters 15 and 22).  ……




  《塑料技术手册 塑料制品生产(1 影印版)》内容包括LIST OF FIGURES;LIST OF TABLES;PREFACE;ABOUT THE EDITORS;3.FABRICATING PRODUCT;OVERVIEW;Process;Classifying Machine;Complete Operation;Processing and Patience;Material and Fabrication Cost;Upgrading Plant;Processor Certification;PROCESSING FUNDAMENTALS;Melt Flow Analysis;Melt Strength;Melt Temperature;Newtonian Melt Flow Behavior等等。



LIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLESPREFACEABOUT THE EDITORS3.FABRICATING PRODUCTOVERVIEWProcessClassifying MachineComplete OperationProcessing and PatienceMaterial and Fabrication CostUpgrading PlantProcessor CertificationPROCESSING FUNDAMENTALSMelt Flow AnalysisMelt StrengthMelt TemperatureNewtonian Melt Flow BehaviorNon—Newtonian Melt Flow BehaviorMelt Flow DeviationMelt Flow RateMelt Flow PerformanceMelt Flow DefectMelt IndexIn—line Melt AnalysisThermodynamicsMACHINES NOT ALIKEMACHINERY PERFORMANCEPLASTICS PROCESSING PERFORMANCEPlastic MemoryOrientationDirectional PropertyPlastic DeformationCoextrusion/Coinjection: Fabricating Multilayer PlasticsPLASTICATOR MELTING OPERATIONSCREWDesignMixingShear RateRate of OutputShot SizeScrew WearSingle—Stage ScrewFeeding ProblemTwo—Stage ScrewMelt DegassingVent BleedingLength—Diameter RatioCompression RatioPump RatioTransitionScrew TorqueStandard ScrewMarbleizing ScrewMixing DeviceMixing PinPulsar Mixing ScrewUnion Carbide MixerPulsar 11 Mixing ScrewBarrier ScrewScrew/Barrel BridgingScrew TipPurgingSafety AlarmMaterial of ConstructionMultiple ScrewRecommended Screw Dimensional GuidelineDefining/Identifying ScrewBARRELBarrel CompositionInjection BarrelExtruder BarrelWear—Resistant BarrelCorrosion—Resistant BarrelBarrel Feed ThroatBarrel GroovingBarrel Heating and Cooling MethodBarrel Temperature OverrideBarrel Machining of HoleBarrel InspectionBarrel BorescopingRecommended Barrel Dimensional GuidelineDOWNSIZING MACHINEUPSIZING MACHINEREBUILDINGVERSUS BUYINGREPAIRScrew RepairBarrel RepairSTORAGETOOLINGPROCESS CONTROLOverviewSensorPressure SensorTemperature SensorTemperature ControllerProcessing WindowProcess Control and PatienceProcess Control Trade—OffControl and MonitoringProcess ControllerIntelligent ProcessingPROTOTYPING MODELENERGYSAFETYMachine SafetyInjection Molding Safety IssueSafety Agency


塑料技术手册:Volume 1:塑料制品生产:Fabricating product

书名:塑料技术手册:Volume 1:塑料制品生产:Fabricating product

作者:Donald V. Rosato,Mar






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