









step 1 set up your study plan1 what you need to know about the ap calculus ab/bc exams1.1 what is covered on the ap calculus exams?1.2 what is the format of the ap calculus ap/bc exams?1.3 what are the advanced placement exam grades?how is the ap calculus exam grade calculated?1.4 which graphing calculators are allowed for the exam?calculators and other devices not allowed for the ap calculusexamother restrictions on calculators2 how to plan your time2.1 three approaches to preparing for the ap calculus examoverview of the three plans2.2 calendar for each plansummary of the three study plansstep 2 determine your test readiness3 take a diagnostic exam3.1 getting started!3.2 diagnostic test3.3 answers to diagnostic test3.4 solutions to diagnostic test3.5 calculate your scoreshort-answer questionsap calculus ab/bc diagnostic examstep 3 develop strategies for success4 how to approach each question type4.1 the multiple-choice questions4.2 the free-response questions4.3 using a graphing calculator4.4 taking the examwhat do i need to bring to the exam?tips for taking the examstep 4 review the knowledge you need to score high5 limits and continuity5.1 the limit of a functiondefinition and properties of limitsevaluating limitsone-sided limitssqueeze theorem5.2 limits involving infinitiesinfinite limits (as x → a)limits at infinity (as x → ±∞)horizontal and vertical asymptotes5.3 continuity of a functioncontinuity of a function at a numbercontinuity of a function over an intervaltheorems on continuity5.4 rapid review5.5 practice problems5.6 cumulative review problems5.7 solutions to practice problems5.8 solutions to cumulative review problems6 differentiation6.1 derivatives of algebraic functionsdefinition of the derivative of a functionpower rulethe sum, difference, product, and quotient rulesthe chain rule6.2 derivatives of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric,exponential, and logarithmic functionsderivatives of trigonometric functionsderivatives of inverse trigonometric functionsderivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions6.3 implicit differentiationprocedure for implicit differentiation6.4 approximating a derivative6.5 derivatives of inverse functions6.6 higher order derivatives6.7 indeterminate formsl’h?opital’s rule for indeterminate forms 976.8 rapid review6.9 practice problems6.10 cumulative review problems6.11 solutions to practice problems6.12 solutions to cumulative review problems7 graphs of functions and derivatives7.1 rolle’s theorem, mean value theorem, and extreme valuetheoremrolle’s theoremmean value theoremextreme value theorem7.2 determining the behavior of functionstest for increasing and decreasing functionsfirst derivative test and second derivative test for relativeextrematest for concavity and points of inflection7.3 sketching the graphs of functionsgraphing without calculatorsgraphing with calculators7.4 graphs of derivatives7.5 parametric, polar, and vector representationsparametric curves 130polar equationstypes of polar graphssymmetry of polar graphsvectorsvector arithmetic7.6 rapid review7.7 practice problems7.8 cumulative review problems7.9 solutions to practice problems7.10 solutions to cumulative review problems8 applications of derivatives8.1 related rategeneral procedure for solving related rate problemscommon related rate problemsinverted cone (water tank) problemshadow problemangle of elevation problem8.2 applied maximum and minimum problemsgeneral procedure for solving applied maximum and minim




作者:(美)William Ma,(美)Carolyn Wheater 编著






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