


  单元学习目标(learning objectives): 使学生在学习开始之前对该单元内容有个大概了解,明确重难点,有的方矢地学习。
  课前热身 (warm-up questions):通过对相关主题的提问,让学生用已有的知识经验回答问题,检测学生对主题的了解程度,激发学生的学习兴趣。
  背景知识(background information): 提供本单元学习任务有关的知识,为学生学习扫清障碍。
  实用听说(listening and speaking):典型职业场景的示范对话,旨在培养学生在相关情景中实际运用英语的能力。
  应用文读写(practical reading and writing):旨在帮助学生熟悉并掌握商务文书的写作技巧、特点,进而能写出规范的商务文书。
  实训活动(practical activities): 通过大量的模拟场景中的读、写、译练习,帮助学生把所学的知识、技能运用到相关的工作场景中去,培养职业迁移能力。
  相关词汇与表达式(related words and expressions):补充提供本项业务环节中常用的英语句型、常用词汇,便于学习查阅。







unit one job-hunting objectives of learning & workplace practice warm-up questions part 1 background information  successful job interviews part 2 listening and speaking  task 1 listen and practice  task 2 listen and fill in  task 3 listen and complete part 3 practical reading and writing  1.resume  2.application letter part 4 practical activities  1.presentation practice  2.speaking practice  3.writing practice part 5 related words & expressionsunit two international business reception objectives of learning & workplace practice warm-up questions part 1 background information  reception etiquette part 2 listening and speaking  task 1 listen and practice  task 2 listen and fill in  task 3 listen and complete part 3 practical reading and writing  1.company profile  2.telephone massage  3.itinerary part 4 practical activities  1.speaking practice  2.translating and speaking practice  3.test business etiquettes  4.writing practice part 5 related words & expressionsunit three international business meetings and exhibitions  objectives of learning & workplace practice warm-up questions part 1 background information  1.business meeting etiquette  2.the secretary’s role at meetings part 2 listening and speaking  task 1 listen and practice  task 2 listen and fill in  task 3 listen and complete part 3 practical reading and writing  1.letter of invitation  2.e-mail  3.agenda  4.minutes part 4 practical activities  1.speaking practice  2.translating and speaking practice  3.writing practice part 5 related words & expressionsunit four international business travel objectives of learning & workplace practice warm-up questions part 1 background information  1.travel arrangements  2.business travel etiquette  3.currency exchange  4.english for broadcasting at the airport and on the flight part 2 listening and speaking  task 1 listen and practice  task 2 listen and fill in  task 3 listen and complete part 3 practical reading and writing  1.reservation letter  2.letter of thanks part 4 practical activities  1.speaking practice  2.translating and speaking practice  3.writing practice part 5 related words & expressionsunit five international business negotiation objectives of learning & workplace practice warm-up questions part 1 background information  how to start your business part 2 listening and speaking  task 1 listen and practice  task 2 listen and fill in  task 3 listen and complete part 3 practical reading and writing  1.establishing business relations  2.inquiry  3.offer  4.counter-offer part 4 practical activities  1.speaking practice  2.test your business etiquette  3.translating and speaking practice  4.writing practice part 5 related words & expressionsunit six contract performance objectives of learning & workplace practice warm-up questions part 1 background information  1.business etiquette  2.terms of payment  3.business documents  4.the requirements for making out business documents part 2 listening and speaking  task 1 listen and practice  task 2 listen and fill in  task 3 listen and complete part 3 practical reading and writing  1.orders and their fulfillment  2.terms of payment  3.complaints and settlements part 4 documentation  1.sales contract  2.letter of credit part 5 practical activities  1.speaking practice  2.translating and speaking practice  3.writing practice  4.making documents part 6 related words & expressions  appendix 1 世界主要银行及货币名称  appendix 2 世界贸易组织及公司内部结构名称  appendix 3 国际贸易英语术语及词汇  appendix 4 邀请接待方面的词汇  appendix 5 产品介绍用语  appendix 6 职务职位名称  appendix 7 纺织服装词汇  appendix 8 国际贸易英语常用表达式bibliography 参考文献










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