





chapter 1 clothing classifications 服装分类 1 classifications with a view to everyday life 日常分类  1.1 upper clothing 上装  1.2 lower clothing 下装  1.3 suits and ensembles 西服套装和便服套装 2 classifications with a view to international trade 国际贸易中的分类  2.1 classification based on h.s.code 基于协调制编码的分类  2.2 classification based on special regulations 基于特殊规则的分类  2.3 classification based on the method of manufacture 基于生产方法的分类 3 importance of the classifications 分类的重要性  3.1 for statistical purposes 为了统计  3.2 to describe the name of the goods in a contract 为了描述合同中的商品名称 words and phrases 词汇 exercises 练习chapter 2 garment sections, patterns and measurement locations 服装组成部分、样板和测量部位 1 garment sections 服装组成部分  1.1 sections in upper garments 上装的组成部分  1.1.1 body 大身  1.1.2 sleeves 袖  1.1.3 collars 领子  1.1.4 pockets 衣袋  1.2 sections in lower garments 下装的组成部分  1.2.1 trousers 裤  1.2.2 skirt 裙  1.3 other garment components and styling details 其他衣片和款式细节 2 patterns 样板 3 measurement locations 测量部位 words and phrases 词汇 exercises 练习chapter 3 garment fabrics, accessories, labels and hangtags 服装的织物、辅料、标签和吊牌 1 garment fabrics 服装的织物  1.1 shell fabrics 面料  1.2 linings 里料 2 accessories 辅料  2.1 sewing threads 缝纫线  2.2 fasteners 扣合件  2.2.1 buttons 钮扣  2.2.2 zippers 拉链  2.2.3 snaps 揿钮  2.2.4 velcro 尼龙搭扣  2.3 interlinings 衬头  2.4 wadding 填料  2.5 other accessories 其他辅料 3 labels and hangtags 标签和吊牌  3.1 labels 标签  3.1.1 brand label 品牌标签  3.1.2 origin label 产地标签  3.1.3 size label 尺码标签  3.1.4 washing label 洗涤标签  3.1.5 other labels 其他标签  3.2 hangtags 吊牌 words and phrases 词汇 exercises 练习chapter 4 working sheets 工艺单 1 the function of working sheets 工艺单的作用 2 contents of a working sheet 工艺单的内容  2.1 material specifications and consumption 材料的规格和耗用量  2.2 working sketch 效果图  2.3 technical details 技术细节  2.3.1 stitch sypes 线迹类型  2.3.2 stitch density 线迹密度  2.3.3 seam types 缝子类型  2.3.4 edge binding and seam neatening 滚边和缝子毛边处理  2.3.5 seam allowance 缝头  2.4 size chart 尺寸表 3abbreviations and simplified words in the working sheets 工艺单中的缩略词和简化词 words and phrases 词汇 exercises 练习chapter 5 garment manufacture 服装生产 1 introduction to manufacturing sequences 生产工艺流程介绍  1.1 manufacturing sequences for cutfashioned garments 裁剪成形服装的生产流程  1.1.1 pattern cutting 样板制作  1.1.2 sample making 样衣制作  1.1.3 grading 推档  1.1.4 fabric and accessory inspection 织物和辅料检验  1.1.5 lay planning and markermaking 铺料设计和画排料图  1.1.6 fabric spreading 铺料  1.1.7 cutting 裁剪  1.1.8 sorting, bundling and numbering 分类、打捆和打号  1.1.9 fusing 上黏合衬  1.1.10 sewing, under pressing and trimming 缝纫、小烫和修整  1.1.11 finishing and final pressing 整理和成衣熨烫  1.1.12 garment inspection 服装检验  1.1.13 packaging 包装  1.2 for knit fashioned garments 对于编织成形的服装 2 equipment in clothing factories 服装厂设备  2.1 equipment in sewing rooms 裁剪车间设备  2.1.1 cutting table 裁剪桌  2.1.2 spreading machine 铺料机  2.1.3 cutting tools 裁剪工具  2.1.4 fusing equipment 上黏合衬设备  2.1.5 other equipment in cutting rooms 裁剪车间的其他设备  2.2 equipment in sewing rooms 缝工车间设备  2.2.1 overview of primary sewing machines 基本缝纫机的概况  2.2.2 primary systems in a sewing machine 缝纫机的主要系统  2.2.3 other equipment 其他设备  2.2.4 production lines 生产线  2.3 equipment used in the finishing room 整理车间所用设备 words and phrases 词汇 exercises 练习chapter 6 garment quality issues 服装的质量问题 1 the importance of garment quality 服装质量的重要性 2 the criteria for garment quality 服装的质量准则 3 common garment quality problems 常见的服装质量问题  3.1 inherent quality 内在质量  3.2 apparent quality 外在质量  3.2.1 apparent quality problems due to fabric faults 源于织物疵点的外在质量问题  3.2.2 apparent quality problems due to poor workmanship or manufacturing  skills 源于不良的做工或生产技术的外在质量问题 words and phrases 词汇 exercises 练习keys to exercises 练习题答案index to words and phrases 词汇索引chinese version 中文译文suggested further reading and links to websites 建议进一步阅读的读物和浏览的网站










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