


  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):柳林风声》:  ”Just a moment!” the Mole heard a voice nearby. It was an old rabbit. “It will cost you money to pass by this private road!” But the Mole didn’t listen to him. Many other rabbits were watching him pass by, whispering to each other. Mole just laughed at the rabbits. He thought they were very stupid animals.  Mole thought that everything around him seemed too beautiful and good to be real. In every tree, birds were building their nests and laying eggs. Flowers and new leaves were growing. Mole didn’t care that he still had much more cleaning to do. He suddenly felt as if he was on a vacation, after the long, cold winter.  Just when the Mole thought that things couldn’t get any better, he saw something amazing that he had never seen before. It was a river. Mole ran over to the river’s edge and stared at the shining water. It was so beautiful and mysterious! Moles are animals that live under the ground, and so Mole had never been in the water before. As the river water passed him by, it made strange noises. To Mole it seemed that the river was laughing. Mole walked slowly along the river’s edge for a while. When he felt tired, he sat down on the warm grass and listened to the beautiful sounds of the water.  As he rested, Mole noticed something on the other side of the river. It was a small hole in a hill. He thought about how nice it would be to live inside that hole. You could always hear the river water flowing by your house. As he stared at the hole, he saw something moving inside it. Mole looked more closely. He realized that there was someone in the hole, and he was watching him!  Soon a little brown animal with small ears, a long tail, and bright shining eyes came out of the hole. It was the Water Rat!  ……




原始森林对于胆小尚且没出过家门的鼹鼠来说是个恐怖的地方。在河边他幸运地结识了水老鼠,水老鼠大方地邀请他乘坐自己的小船:“世界上再也没有——保证没有——比乘船闲逛更有意思的事啦。”鼹鼠和水老鼠在雪地里冷得直打哆嗦,终于进到獾先生舒适的家,钻进了带着肥皂香味的被窝……书中创造了美丽的天堂图景,让世间的生灵于大河两岸诗意地栖居。作者肯尼思·格雷厄姆40 岁结婚,中年得子,倍加珍爱。从孩子4岁起,每天晚上他都会为孩子讲故事。有一次当孩子去海滨度假时,肯尼思·格雷厄姆就给他写了一只蟾蜍的历险故事,这就成了《柳林风声》的蓝本。







Chapter 1 By the RiverChapter 2 On the RoadChapter 3 The Wild ForestChapter 4 Meeting BadgerChapter 5 Home, Sweet HomeChapter 6 More about ToadChapter 7 The Spirit of NatureChapter 8 Toad’s Great EscapeChapter 9 More of Toad’s AdventuresChapter 10 The Fight at Toad HallChapter 11 Toad Learns a Lesson










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