






本书综合语言学、文体学、文化学和文学等相关学科的基础理论, 从不同角度论证了英汉互译的基本原理及方法与策略。介绍了翻译策略、方法与技巧、词语的翻译等。



Chapter One Introduction1.1 Definition1.2 Qualification1.3 Criteria of Translation
Chapter Two Strategies and Methods2.1 Strategies2.1.1 Domestication2.1.2 Foreignization2.2 Methods and Techniques2.2.1 Literal Translation vs Free Translation2.2.2 Extension2.2.3 Conversion2.2.4 Amplification2.2.5 Simplification2.2.6 Negation and Affirmation in Translation2.2.7 Shift Between the Concrete and the Abstract2.3 Dictionary and Translation
Chapter Three Translation of Words3.1 Semantic Change3.1.1 Broadening3.1.2 Narrowing3.1.3 Melioration3.1.4 Deterioration3.1.5 Antonomasia3.2 Gaps in Translation3.2.1 Lexical Gap3.2.2 Semantic Gap3.3 Context of Situation and Word Selection3.3.1 Semantic Radiation3.3.2 Direct Context and Word Selection3.3.3 Indirect Context and Word Selection3.4 Synonyms and Choice of Words3.4.1 Synonyms3.4.2 Choice of Words3.5 Levels of Formality of Words and Diction3.5.1 Semantic Overlap and Classification of Levels of
Formality of Words3.5.2 Levels of Formality and Diction3.6 Proper Use of Idioms in Translation3.6.1 Similarities and Diversities between Chinese and
English Idioms3.6.2 Corresponding Idioms3.6.3 Partly Corresponding Idioms3.6.4 Modifiers Are Rendered into Idioms3.7 Translation of Proverbs and Two-part Allegorical Sayings3.7.1 Proverbs3.7.2 Two-part Allegorical Sayings3.8 Translation of Allusions3.8.1 Traditional Allusions3.8.2 New Allusions3.9 Translation of Culture-loaded Words3.9.1 Similarity and Difference of Cultural Connotations
between English and Chinese Culture-loaded words3.9.2 Cognitive Schema Theory Applied to Translation of
Culture-loaded Words
Chapter Four Translation of Sentences4.1 Differences and Similarities between English and Chinese in
Syntax4.1.1 Difference and Similarity in Sentence Order4.1.2 Difference and Similarity in Syntax4.2 Translation of Attributive Clauses4.3 Comparison and Contrast4.4 Translation of Long Sentences4.5 Conversion between the Passive Voice and the Active Voice4.5.1 Introduction4.5.2 Conversion between the Passive Voice and the Active
Chapter Five Translation of Various Types of Writings5.1 Translation of Advertisements5.1.1 Lexical Level5.1.2 Syntactic Level5.1.3 Rhetorical Devices5.2 Translation of Journalistic Texts5.2.1 Definition5.2.2 Classification5.2.3 Stylistic Features5.2.4 Major Components5.2.5 Translation Strategies5.3 Translation of English for Tourism5.3.1 Definition5.3.2 Stylistic Features5.3.3 Translation Strategies5.4 Translation of Scientific and Technical Writings5.4.1 Linguistic Features of Scientific and Technical Writings5.4.2 Increase or Decrease in Quantity5.5 Translation of Diplomatic Literature5.5.1 Features of Diplomatic Language5.5.2 Translation of Diplomatic Literature
Chapter six Translation of Literary Works6.1 Introduction6.2 Fidelity to SLT Literary Messages6.2.1 Fidelity to Semantic Information6.2.2 Fidelity to Grammatical Information6.2.3 Fidelity to Rhetorical Information6.2.4 Fidelity to Pragmatic Information6.2.5 Fidelity to Cultural Information6.2.6 Fidelity to Syntactic Information6.2.7 Fidelity to Aesthetic Information6.3 Translation of Fiction6.3.1 Introduction6.3.2 Translation of Titles6.3.3 The Stylistic Features Reproduced in Translation6.4 Translation of Prose6.5 Translation of Poetry6.5.1 Opposite Opinions on Translation of Poetry6.5.2 Different Opinions on Subjectivity6.5.3 Translation of Poetry between English and Chinese6.6 Translation of Dramatic Texts6.6.1 A Performance-oriented Translation vs. A Reader-oriented
Translation6.6.2 Text vs. Subtext










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